The Letter

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"Wait, she what?" Romeo asked through the phone with a confused expression on his face. Master P was explaining to Romeo that Selena paid for his cousin's funeral. "But why? And why didn't she tell me?" Romeo was completely shocked but also speechless that his girlfriend went behind his back to pay for the funeral. His cousin's family told Master P about if.

Romeo's POV

Why didn't she tell me?! This is a family situation, she shouldn't be paying for the funeral. That is our job. I honestly had no idea what to say to her at this moment. She's been blowing up my phone but I just needed to be left alone atm.

Selena sighed as the phone went straight to voicemail. "Damn it.." she set the phone down next to her as she was seated on her steps. She was wondering why Romeo hasn't answered any of her calls and responded to any of her texts, she was worried. "Selena!" Selena looked up seeing Justin standing in front of her gate besides his car. "Uh..What now.." Selena stood up before walking down the steps towards the gate. "What now Justin?" Justin was smiling while she got to the gate. "You look beautiful" Selena was so tired of Justin popping up, it was beginning to feel sketchy. "Justin, don't... what are you doing here? Does Hailey know that you're here?" Justin's smile faded when he saw how annoyed Selena was. "No and I would like to keep it that way. Besides, I'm about to file for divorce."

"Well I'm not a lawyer so you should go find one and stop coming to my house." She said before turning around. "Selena I love you! And I heard you're p-pregnant" he said the word pregnant aggressively. It made his stomach turn to learn that she's pregnant with someone else's baby. "I don't care though because I'll still love you. I'll always love you, I'll love the both of you if you'd give me a chance." Selena laughed without any humor before shaking her head as she turned her head before looking back at him. "You really expect me to leave my boyfriend for you?" Her eyebrows rose as she stared at him. "Well, yeah."

"You're fucking insane. I will never leave Romeo for you, I love him and he loves me." Justin was trying not to lose his temper. "Really? If he loves you then why is he ignoring you?" Selena looked at him confused which made him smile. "You know where to find me Selena but before I leave" he slipped a card through the gate before blowing her a kiss and walking to his car. Selena leaned down and picked up the card as he drove off.

Selena's POV

How did he know that Romeo has been ignoring me? Like how does he know this? Have Romeo talked to him??? Like what the fuck is going on??? Justin was giving me stalker vibes... His letter didn't make it any better.

Dear My Mamacita,

I love you, I know things have been shitty in the past between us but I love you. I miss your lips, I miss your hugs, I miss kissing up and down your body. I want to do so many things to you to show you how much I miss you. You can keep trying to hide your feelings and push me away but I won't leave you alone until you give me one more date. Romeo can't compare to me, he will only hurt you in the end. You might be having his baby but I still have your heart.

Love Justin.

To Be Continued

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