Love you no matter what..

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Romeo's POV

I made sure to give the gun to Marcus and told him to get rid of it. Sel was sleeping in the chair besides my bed. I had to use the restroom and didn't want anyone to come and help me because then that means she'd wake up. I'm sure she's exhausted from everything that has gone wrong these past hours. I'll tell you this, I was hurting pretty bad just by moving. I struggled to sit up and when I did I turned very awkwardly which made me almost fall out of bed which made me let out a loud grunt which of course woke her up.

"Baby what are you doing?" Selena got up quickly. She rushed to her man's side and grabbed his left arm which wasn't damaged. "I need to use the restroom, I didn't want to call anybody because I didn't want to wake you." She nodded before helping him stand up seeing him shut his eyes tightly. "I can call someone for you." He didn't want that because he could be a bit stubborn. He wrapped his left arm around her while she held onto his waist as they walked slowly into the bathroom with him putting all of his weight on his left leg. He leaned against the door after she shut it. She helped him to the toilet moving his gown to the side. "I'm not sure if it works anymore...." she knew he doesn't feel good about himself right now and she knew she had to be supportive even though she still felt anger and sadness. "It's okay baby, I'll love you regardless." He was trying to pee but it was so difficult for him. He was so frustrated that he placed his hand over his head. Selena was encouraging him as she rubbed his side. "Take your time baby."

Romeo saw himself in the mirror as he was struggling to pee. "I look horrible...." he looked down feeling ashamed. "I should've just stayed in bed and not get jealous and pissed off. This wouldn't have happened.." Selena shook her head as she looked up at him. "Hey.. I'm proud of you for standing up for me. I don't like the results but I still love you anyway. I'm not with you because of looks, I'm with you because you have such an amazing heart which belongs to me."

After he was able to pee which was like 10 minutes later Selena struggled to get him back into bed. He was sweating from having to do a little work with her going in and out of the bathroom. "Do you need anything?" Selena asked him as she held his hand wishing she could take his pain away. "Baby I want you to get a check up" Selena was confused as to why he would want that. She was fine, she wasn't the one who got hit into her BMW. "I smell alcohol on you..." Selena looked down not knowing what to say. "I'm not mad.. I just want to make sure you and the baby will be fine." She looked at him before nodding. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby, I understand. We'll be fine though, all 3 of us." He said before bringing her hand to his lips, kissing it. "I love you Selena." He gave her a weak smile. She rubbed his forehead before telling him she loves him back.

To Be Continued

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