Club Crazy

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Selena's POV

What could've been a great night turned terrible all because of me. His feelings are hurt and I don't blame him for cancelling plans with me. I knew Francia and Christian probably hasn't seen the lion king yet so I decided to give them the tickets.

"I think it'll be a little too late to see it since it's starting in 10 minutes. What happened with you and Romeo?" Francia thought everything would've been great for them. Selena sighed before handing her phone over to Francia so she can read the messages from Abel. "Oh.. he contacted you after what? 2 years?" Selena had no words to say she just sat there. "Wait, what does this have to do with Romeo?" Francia looked over at her best friend. "I was texting him instead of giving my attention to Romeo." Selena was so disappointed in herself. "Why did you do that for? This should've been a great night for you two. I love you babe but you have to learn to let go of the past."

"I fucked up. Once again I fucked up" she pointed at herself before continuing. "I didn't expect my ex to message me out of the blue. I never thought Abel would do that. Now Justin I expect that from big not Abel. Our last conversation was him saying I would never compare to Bella and then put it in his song Wasted Times. I don't know if that was him being angry towards me since I rekindled my relationship with Justin or him being honest. I truly don't care. That is the past, I wish Abel nothing but the best. All I care about is Rome right now. He won't talk to me...."

Selena meant every word she just said. Yes she appreciated her time with Abel but she doesn't want to rekindle her relationship with him to make her family, friends, and some fans happy. They were good while they lasted but they grew apart. Abel was cool with the break up until he found out she actually went back to Justin. "Let me see what I can do" Francia pulled out her phone.

Romeo's POV

After Selena left I didn't want to sit in my condo pissed off about the night being ruined. I decided to hit the club with my best friend Marcus. I needed my mind off of Selena.

Marcus watched his friend chug a whole bottle of Champaign by himself. "Yo, Rome I think you had enough." Romeo was drunk he didn't truly care. He was feeling good at the moment and for once Selena wasn't on his mind. A random girl walked over to him and started rubbing his shoulder before whispering in his ear. "Excuse me miss, my friend is off limits" the woman turned and looked at him. "Who said I wanted your friend, I just want his dick."

Romeo tossed his phone at Marcus before walking through the crowd with her. Marcus didn't know what to do, he didn't want to be there anymore but knew he couldn't leave his friend. Romeo's phone vibrated and without even seeing who's calling Marcus held the phone to his ear. "Hello?!" It was Francia who called and she had him on speaker phone. "I'm sorry but who is this?" Francia was confused because she knows how Romeo sounds on the phone and that certainly wasn't his voice. "You tell me who you are first, you're the one who called."

"This is Francia Raisa, calling for Romeo." Marcus knew who exactly she was so he headed to a much quieter area. "This is his friend Marcus. He can't come to the phone right now." Selena sat besides Francia craving to hear Romeo's voice not saying a word. "Why is that? Are y'all at some club? I hear loud music playing in the background." Marcus kept his eyes wandering the club hoping to see his friend. "Wasn't my idea. He wanted to come here so I tagged along because I wouldn't want him to go to the club alone."

"So where is he now... this is Selena.. Gomez." She bit down on her lower lip hoping Romeo wasn't too drunk and with some random women. "I don't know to be honest. I'm actually looking around for him right now. He left through the crowd with some girl." Selena closed her eyes not loving what she heard. "The last thing he did was toss me his phone and that was minutes before you called. We took a Uber here because he said we might end up getting drunk. I just hope he won't—"

"Fuck her..." Selena beat him to it. "That isn't Rome, he just wants to upset me and it is working. Which club are you at? I want to come and get him. Both of you. "I'll text you the address. I'm going to get off the phone so I can look for him." Once they got off the phone Selena stood up and reached down and grabbed her purse. "Want me to come with you?" Francia didn't feel comfortable with Selena going alone. "No you should get some rest. Besides, Christian might wake up and wonder where you're at. I'll be fine, I promise." Francia wasn't about to let her friend go alone. "Christian will understand. I'll shoot him a text. Lets go."

Marcus found Romeo almost whipping it out in the bathroom stall. He made sure to stop his friend from doing something crazy. Selena and Francia waited out in the car. They parked in the back alley near the side entrance so that no paparazzi could spot them. "What's taking them so long?" Selena was very impatient and didn't feel comfortable being in a alley. Francia felt the same exact way. She shot Christian a text just in case if he woke up and wonder where she was. Selena let out a sigh of relief when she saw Marcus helping Romeo out of the building. She got out the car and opened the back door.

He was out of it but he could picture Selena out through his blurred vision. "Selena?" He mumbled before Marcus helped him in the car. He slouched over. "Thank you for sending us the address and I'm sorry about this. I know he got drunk because of me..." Selena was feeling terrible about herself. "He can be mad at you but it doesn't excuse his actions. He almost fucked that girl in the bathroom. If I hadn't gone to the bathroom to look for him he could be seconds away from an STD." Selena sighed and knew Marcus was right. "Let's get him home."

To Be Continued

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