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Selena got dropped off a few blocks away from her house by an Uber. When she walked through her the gates her heart got a little heavy. She saw her BMW was gone since it's evidence but blood was still on the ground along with glass. She walked to the steps before turning around and sitting down. Selena sat and waited for 20 minutes before a car pulled through the gate making her stand up.

"What do you mean she just left?" Vercy told Marcus. "Where did she go?" Marcus shrugged not knowing where she was actually heading to but knew something bad was destined to happen. "I don't know, she was quite angry when I told her that Justin was at the crib and one of his crew slammed Rome into her vehicle. She said she has some business to handle and left. I tried to stop her..."

"Did you really? Because Selena weighs probably about 120 to 130lbs and you let her leave. Bro she isn't stable right now, we have to find her." Inty came out the room. "Romeo is awake."

Selena was sitting on the steps as her phone was going off as she sat looking ahead with a blank expression on her face as she was drinking a bottle of vodka that she got from inside of her house thinking about what she is about to do but not actually thinking because she was full of anger and rage. "Sel?" A voice from ahead said with her not even moving a muscle. Taylor heard about everything and have been trying to get in contact with her but Sel hasn't been responding to anybody. So Taylor decided to drive by to see if Sel was home and she was. Taylor sat down besides her placing her hand on Selena's knee. "I've been calling you and you haven't answered any of my calls. I figured you'd be at the hospital but I wasn't sure what hospital so I decided to drive by here and here you are.. drinking. I'm sorry about what happened, is he okay?"

Selena shrugged not really saying anything. Taylor saw that Selena had blood on her hands, forehead, and clothes from his blood. When Taylor looked at her, she didn't see her best friend. She saw someone else, someone who looks like they want to get even. "It's okay to cry, show emotion, but its not okay to hold it all in. I know you're hurting and I don't know what's going through your head right now but we shouldn't be here. We should be at the hospital where he's at."

"He's in a coma..." Selena mumbled as Taylor watched over her friend. "He might make it, he might not. I can't think about that right now." Selena stood up with Taylor looking up at her. "Of course you can, Sel he's going to make it. But you have to be there." Selena walked down the two remaining steps before turning around facing her best friend. "Nah, you see I put up through so much shit from him for over the years I've dealt with him. I'm so fucking angry right now.. the love of my life might die because of him so he can't live." Taylor was shocked to hear her best friend say all of that. "Sel, you're drunk—" Taylor said before getting interrupted. "Maybe.. but it don't matter. I'm gonna deal with him."

"How? By yelling at him? Justin is a piece of shit." Taylor said before she saw her friend pull out a gun from her purse that she received from an xo crew member minutes ago before Taylor arrived. "Selena.." Taylor slowly stood up seeing the gun placed down by Selena's side. "What the fuck? Where did you get that gun???"

"It doesn't matter" Selena said before turning around to walk to Romeo's car which was parked down the street from the gate. " if that's for Justin or the idiot who hit him they are both under police custody right now it's all over the news Selena. It's not worth it." Selena pulled out her phone and checked google seeing it's everywhere. "Don't ruin your life over a piece of shit. You're pregnant, that baby needs you. That baby needs both of you, he will make it I promise. Just.. give me the gun." Selena had tears built up in her eyes as she shook her head. "I'm not giving you the gun but I will go to the hospital."

To Be Continued

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