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Francia got the door opened while Selena and Marcus helped Romeo inside of his condo. They were struggling to get him to the bedroom since it was drunk weight. They couldn't make it so they laid him down on the couch. "Damn he's heavy. There goes my workout for the week." Marcus joked as he looked down at his best friend. Selena went and grabbed a trash can from the kitchen and brought it over just in case if he would end up getting sick. "He should be fine besides the hangover he'll have in the morning. Ready to go?" Marcus looked at the two petite women. Francia nodded while Selena didn't. She knew she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she was to leave him alone. He needed someone to watch over him right now so she insisted that she'd stay. "Are you sure? Because you drove us here."

Selena pulled out her keys and handed them to Francia. "He can drive me home when he sobers up in the morning. I'm not going to leave him." Francia nodded before giving her best friend a hug. "Call me when he wakes up." Selena nodded before hugging Marcus and thanking him once again for allowing her to come and pick them up. She watched them walk out the condo closing the door behind them. Selena sighed as she sat down on the floor near the couch. He was laying on his stomach and face was facing her. She slowly leaned forward planting a kiss on his cheek before whispering. "I'm sorry."

8 hours later Romeo finally opened his eyes but closed them when he felt the terrible hangover he received from last night. "Uhh shit.." He had no idea how he got a hangover but wasn't loving it one bit. He smelled something delicious but the smell triggered his stomach. He opened his eyes quickly and saw the trash can in front of him. He tilted the trash can towards him before throwing up. Selena walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee and walked over before placing her hand on his back slowly rubbing it.

He placed the trash can back down once he finished, wiping his mouth. "Here this should help" Romeo sat up placing his feet on the floor before Selena handed him the coffee before sitting down next to him. He wasn't sure how and why she was there but he had no energy to speak. He started drinking the coffee. "Must be one terrible hangover. I made you breakfast. You'll feel better in no time."

Selena stood up and walked back to the kitchen and started placing the food on a plate. She turned the burner off before walking back out to him handing him the plate of eggs, bacon, grits, and pancakes. He had it in his lap but leaned back against the couch placing his hand against his stomach squeezing his eyes shut. "Here.." She grabbed a piece of bacon and held it up to his mouth before seeing him slowly open his mouth taking the bacon in his mouth. She watched him chew it as he started opening his eyes again. The buzzer went off and she placed the rest of the bacon back on his plate. "I'll get it. You eat your breakfast."

She stood up and walked to the door pressing the button. "Who is it?" It was Francia so she buzzed her up. Seconds later there was a knock on the door. Selena opened the door and saw Francia had a bag in her hand. "What's in the bag?" Selena was a little confused. "I brought you some clothes and your tooth brush." Romeo was confused. "What happened last night?"

"You was angry so you went to the club with Marcus
and got really drunk and almost fucked some random girl but luckily he stopped you." Romeo was confused about how they knew about this. "How did y'all know about it and how did I get back here?" Francia explained everything to him including Selena staying the entire night to make sure he'll be okay. "Um.. mind if I use your shower?" Romeo shook his head. Selena took the bag from Francia before thanking her and walking down to his bathroom.

Francia walked over and sat next to him. "I get it you're upset that she paid more attention to Abel than you. Id be mad too but Selena was the one who offered to pick you up and bring you home. She was worried sick about you. And I know she already blames herself for you getting like this in the first place but go easy on her. I also bought these" Francia handed him tickets to see The Lion King. "Since y'all didn't see it last night, you can treat her to see it today for being a great friend to you last night.

Francia ended up leaving just when Selena came out of the bathroom. Her hair was a little damped still and she saw Romeo finishing up his last bite of his pancakes. "You finished your food" she smiled at him as she walked over and sat down besides him. Romeo set the plate down before looking over at her. "Thank you" Romeo appreciated her being there for him while he was making a dumb decision. "You don't need to thank me Rome. I'm sorry for last night, I was wrong. I just didn't know what to do, I was confused but I'm not confused anymore." Romeo was curious. "Did you even sleep last night?" He would feel terrible if she would've been up all night but Selena nodded. "I slept at the opposite end of the couch."

"Do you have plans for today? Because if not I would love to take you to see The Lion King" He showed her the tickets that Francia brought him. A smile formed on her face. "It's the least I can do for you being there for me." She was smiling not because of the tickets but because he wasn't being short with her anymore. "I'd love that Rome."

To Be Continued

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