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"Babe, it's okay." Selena chuckled as she was laying on the bed in her lingerie that he bought her. Romeo wanted to make love to her but didn't want to harm the baby. "I'm only a month pregnant, it's okay... You won't hurt the baby or me." She thought it was cute how he was so concerned and hesitated. "Babe it's been like a week since we had sex... I'm dying here." Romeo rubbed his head before Selena sat up tugging onto his sweats. "C'mon babe" Selena begged before her phone started vibrating but she continued to tug on his sweats. "You gonna get that?" He asked her seeing her not really caring about her phone. All she cared about is making love to her man. "Babe I'm in sexy ass lingerie, I want you to take it off and make love to me like it's our first time again." Romeo chuckled knowing her hormones are driving her crazy. "Baby, that's how you ended up pregnant. But answer your phone first. It might be important." She sighed before grabbing her phone and answering it on speaker. "What?" She spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Hey baby" Romeo looked at her confused and Selena looked at him with her eyes widened. "Baby? Who is that?" Romeo asked Selena who took the phone off of speaker. Selena put the phone to her ear as Romeo was getting irritated. "What do you want now?!" She asked with a stern tone. "Hello? I'm not talking to myself, who are you talking to? Who is that calling you baby? Is that Justin?" Selena covered the phone with her hand. "Babe, I can explain—" She said before getting cut off. "Explain what Selena?! Put him back on speaker." Selena tried to argue. "No if there's nothing going on then put him on speaker then I want to hear what he's saying to you." Selena sighed before putting him on speaker phone.

"Seeing you yesterday made me realize how I can't live without you thank you for having me over." Romeo was furious he had no idea what to think. Selena looked at him full of worry. "Babe I- Justin shut the fuck up! You know I didn't invite you over. Babe, he's lying he just showed up unannounced." She ended the call before she got off the bed reaching out to grab his hand but he held his hands up towards his chest. "Nah.." He shook his head. "Don't bullshit me Selena. I'm out" he turned to walk away but she grabbed his arm. "Don't walk away, just hear me out baby." Romeo completely lost it as he swung his arm back away from her before yelling. "I'm not your baby! Every fucking time when things are going great you go back to his fuckin' ass. You should've told me Selena! Why didn't you tell me if he supposedly showed up unannounced, huh?!"

Selena wiped the tears that were falling as she herself felt rage. "Maybe because you was fucking ignoring me! Have you ever thought about that?!" She said before pushing him. "I don't want him... I'm not about to let him ruin our relationship Rome. He's married and I don't give a fuck if he divorces her tomorrow because it's your baby that I'm having." Selena took his hand and placed it over her abdomen. She lowered her voice before speaking some more. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, okay? But I'm not about to allow you to yell at me like that. I dealt with this shit for years, I'm not about to deal with it anymore." Romeo hugged her feeling her hold him tight. "I'm sorry baby, I promise to make it up to you."

That night Romeo was laying in bed with his arm around his lady as she was sleeping. Her phone vibrated on the night stand. He slowly moved his arm from up underneath her before slowly getting out of bed. He walked around the bed and grabbed her phone seeing it was Justin messaging her.

• Leave him Selena, you know you still love me.

Romeo looked down at his sleeping beauty before he looked back at the phone. Romeo decided to pretend to be her by responding back.

30 minutes later, Justin pulled in through the gate with a smile on his face seeing only two vehicles Raquelle's and Selena's. He was happy that Selena sent him a message saying how much she loves and misses him and that she will leave Romeo if he proves it to her that he has changed. Little did Justin know, it was Romeo who messaged him pretending to be her.

"Selena where are you?" He looked around with a smile on his face. "What is this? You playing hide and sneak?" He chuckled as he stood in front of her BMW not seeing or hearing Romeo walk up on him. "Here's Selena" Justin turned around before getting punched hard in the face which knocked him off his feet. "That's just a little sample, you come here again. You message Selena again. I will fucking break your neck, you hear me?" Romeo said before turning to walk around her car towards the back of it but stopped when a light came flashing towards him.

To Be Continued

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