Change of Heart

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Romeo's POV

I spent the entire afternoon with my siblings, pops, and mom. When I got back to my condo my good friend Francia hit me up asking if she could come by.

"Thanks" Francia told him after he gave her a glass of wine. "You're welcome. So what's up?" He sat down in his love seat facing her. "I don't want to bs you so I'll cut to the chase. My girl loves you but she's afraid if something were to happen bad between you two she'd lose you. I told her that would never happen but she's stubborn."

"I love Selena I truly do but I can't play games with her anymore. If she wants to be with me then she needs to be with me otherwise I can't do this anymore. I can't wait for something that won't ever happen. She knows I wouldn't go anywhere regardless if we were to date and it don't work out. I love that woman too damn much and have nothing but respect for her. She must got me mistaken for Justin or somebody."

"I told you she's stubborn but I love her little stubborn ass." Francia took a sip of her wine before the buzzer went off. Romeo went to check and see who it was and was surprised to know it was Selena. "Did you tell her to come here?" He looked at Francia after allowing Selena to come up. "No! But I should be going." She stood up and grabbed her purse while he opened the door when Selena knocked on the door. "Hi—" she was confused when she saw Francia. "Francia, what are you doing here?"

"I could be asking the same thing. But I'm not here anymore because I'm leaving, cambio de corazon veo." She pat Selena's shoulder before walking pasted her. Selena walked inside closing the door behind her. Romeo was seated on the couch, she walked over to him and sat besides him. He wasn't really saying much and that was totally bothering her. She doesn't like to be ignored especially from someone who she cares about. "Are you mad at me?" She looked over at him a little sad. "No, I'm not mad. Want something to eat or drink?" He stood up. Selena grabbed his hand tugging on it so that he can sit back down. "Yes you are mad and you have every right to be. Let me make it up to you."

Romeo sighed knowing he was a little upset with her but he hate that he couldn't stay upset with her. Selena pulled out two tickets to see Lion King. "I know you already saw it with your family but would you care to see it again with me?" Romeo was trying not to smile but she made it hard for him. "Please?" She kisses his jawline before moving back showing off her smile. "Fine—" Selena got so excited that she hugged him. "But its a friendly date" she pulled away from the hug she gave him with her eyebrow raised. "Who said it was a date? Wait a minute, did you want it to be? All you have to do is ask Percy" Romeo chuckled at her sarcasm and because she called him by his first name. "Stop calling me that!"

"Not until you say this is a date." She smirked at him. Romeo laughed and shook his head. "Nah because you told me—" Selena pressed her finger against his lips. "I know what I said but I'm saying now, I want this to be a date." She moves her finger from his lips seeing his lips curve into a smile. "Fine, it's a date." Selena squealed and gave him another hug. He chuckled and hugged her back. Once she pulled away he looked at the time on the tickets. "9:00pm, we have plenty of time to waste."

To Be Continued

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