Love You Like A Love Song

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Selena was sitting in a chair looking out the window while her boyfriend was laying in bed sleeping. She turned her head away from the window to look at him. He was sleeping peacefully.

Selena's POV

I never seen Rome cry in my entire life. Hearing the pain in his voice while he cried against my abdomen broke my heart. Losing someone you love is never easy, it's the worst feeling ever...

"How is everything going between you and Rome?" Theresa wanted to know all the details including the girls. T had Selena on speaker phone. Selena made sure to talk quietly so that she wouldn't wake him. "Everything was perfect till his best friend Marcus broke the terrible news to me. His cousin passed away and his sister nearly died." The girl's felt terrible for him. "I want you to do me a favor... I want you to go in my safe and pull out $20 grand and I want you to bring it to the family. I'll send you their information and all. I'll get it from one of his siblings. I just feel so awful. I never seen him so heartbroken before..."

The girls felt bad for Rome but they wanted to know what happened between them. "So are you two together or not?" Selena couldn't help but to smile thinking about them making love in the jacuzzi then finally making it official. "Yeah.." she giggled through the phone hearing the girls scream in joy. "Final-fucking-ly" Theresa shouted causing Selena to laugh. "I bet y'all fucked" Theresa said before getting interrupted by Raquelle. "Made love, they don't fuck, remember?." Selena started telling them some of the details, the girls were so happy for her. They can hear it in her voice how happy she was.

Romeo's POV

I'm not the type to cry in front of a woman especially someone who I love.. But I couldn't hold it all in. It was hurting way too much and I can't hide my feelings from Selena if I want this to work out. I took a nap because I was physically drained. I woke up to an elegant voice coming from the bathroom. I couldn't help but to smile when I heard her singing my all time favorite song from her "Love You Like A Love Song".

Romeo got out of bed and walked to the bathroom standing in the doorway. He saw his girlfriend curling her hair. He smiled to himself while listening to her sing. "And it feels like I've been rescued, I've been set free, I am hypnotized by your destiny, you are magical, lyrical, beautiful, you are, and I want you to know baby..." he interrupted her from singing. "I love you like a love song baby" he said seeing her eyes shift to him in the mirror. A smile formed on her face as she placed the iron down. "You're awake" she turned around walking to him hugging him. Romeo hugged her back loving the affection she was giving him. After hugging for a few minutes she looked up at him before kissing him.

Romeo saw his woman dressed in a black mini dress with black high heels. He loved everything about that dress but was wondering what the occasion was. "Why are you dressed beautifully for?" Selena knew he was having a hard time and wanted to lighten the mood by taking him out on a nice dinner date. "Well you missed breakfast and lunch.. I just thought to take you out on a nice dinner date because I want my man to feel good even though he's in some pain right now."

Romeo sighed about to turn around after telling her he doesn't deserve her. "Hey" she grabbed his arm stopping him from walking away from her. "I know you're in pain but baby I didn't travel 15hours to waste your time because you supposedly don't deserve me because trust me you do. Out of all of the shit I've been through in my life, you have never judged me for it. You have always said nothing but kind things about me." Selena grabbed his hand placing it against her chest so that he could feel her heart beating. "You feel that? It's beating for you. It'll always beat for you."

To Be Continued

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