Follow Your Heart

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Selena woke up in the middle of the night from her phone going off. She reached over trying to figure out where her phone was since she was half asleep still. Finally she opened her eyes feeling two strong arms wrapped around her. She looked over her shoulder seeing Romeo sleeping which made a smile form on her face. She slowly moved his arms away which made him turn over with his back facing her. She slowly got out of bed and bent down grabbing her phone from her shorts and without looking to see who it was she answered. "Hello?"

She said it in a whisper trying not to wake Romeo. The voice that responded nearly made her heart sink. It was her ex, Abel. "A-Abel?" She had no idea what to say or do. She slowly walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind her. "It's so nice to hear your voice" Abel's soft voice spoke through the other side of the phone. Selena was sitting on the couch fully naked because she had no time to put anything on. Selena thought about the amazing things her and Romeo did hours ago. It brought a smile to her face.

"Sel? Did you hear me? I said I miss you." Selena got brought back to reality. She didn't know how to respond to that. "You do?" She ran her fingers through her hair regretting that she answered the phone before checking it. "Of course I do. We both got back with our ex's to make them jealous, now we're single. We could bring that old flame back babe." Selena knew when she got back with Justin it hurt Abel a lot. She knew if she was to tell him she didn't want him back, she'd hurt him all over again. She was in a terrible situation, also didn't want to hurt Romeo.

"Selena.. you're pretty quiet. Is this a bad time?" Abel missed Selena so much, since the day they broke up. Yes he was pretty petty and let his pride get to him but he missed his girl. "I'm here...I'm just thinking that's all." She knee regardless what she says or do, someone is going to end up being hurt. One of the amazing things about her, she doesn't like to hurt people. She has a beautiful heart and wants to do what's right but she isn't sure what's right.

"Selena I love you. Did you hear what I said? I said I love you. I never stopped loving you, not for one second. I thought about you while I was with Bella. I wanted everything with you. I just wanted to make you jealous for going back to Justin. But I'm passed that now, I know if we get back together we will never leave each other again. I feel like that's what you want but I know Selena. You're probably afraid that it'll fail once again but it won't. I won't allow that. We won't allow that. Follow your heart baby."

"I was upset when I tried reaching out to you and you didn't want anything to do with me. Every time I would promote something you would throw secret shade towards me and that really hurt. It did Abel because I know the kind of person you are. I know your heart and it hurt me." When Selena would promote puma he would promote his and when she told her fans on live that she has a new song coming out called "Rare" he posted on his IG stories a bottle of wine with "Rare" on it. Her birthday he posted Bella in his bed. He thought she didn't see it but she did.

"I'm sorry Selena, I told you I was acting out of anger. I'm not that person anymore. I want you, we can make this work." Selena knew she had to make a decision. Like Abel said, she needs to follow her heart. After getting off the phone she walked back into the bedroom trying not to wake Romeo up. She got back in bed and covered herself up turning to her side. What she didn't know, Romeo was awake the entire time. He opened his eyes the moment she got back in bed.

To Be Continued

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