Crazy Ex

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Raquelle was pulling up at the gate with Courtney after running errands when they saw a black Ferrari parked in front of the gate side ways. "What the?" Raquelle said not knowing who the person was that was blocking the gate. "Wait, is that Justin?" Courtney asked with Raquelle leaning forward to see if she could tell but the windows were all dark. Seconds later the door raised up and Justin stepped out. "Oh shit..." Raquelle mumbled. They both watched him walk up to Selena's BMW that Raquelle was driving. She rolled the window down just in time. "Justin what are you doing here?" He had on sunglasses before taking them off. "I think you and I both know why I'm here. Is she home?"

Justin knew something was going on between Selena and Romeo because rumors were floating around and there's been many spotting of the couple. What he didn't know that she was pregnant with Romeo's baby. "No.. why do you think we have her car?" Raquelle said before getting interrupted by Courtney. "And even if she was home, she wouldn't want to see you." Justin was trying to keep it together but he was losing patience with the girls. "I just need to see her."

"Do you know she has a boyfriend. She's happy and we would love for her to stay that way. Every time she's happy with someone else you come around and fuck it up. Not this time. We are not about to let you ruin yet another relationship for her." Raquelle told him about to roll the window up. "I'm not moving my car until you let me see her. She's making a big mistake by dating Romeo. He don't love her, he only wants to hit it and quit it."

"Yeah that's why she's pregnant" Raquelle looked over at Courtney giving her a disapproval look. "She's what? What the fuck you mean she's pregnant?" Justin's veins were beginning to boil. Raquelle turned her head away from Courtney to him. "Selena is pregnant with Romeo's baby. They're serious about each other. Besides, don't you have a wife? Shouldn't you be with her rather than worrying about your ex girlfriend who you cheated on so many times that we lost count? Get lost Justin." Justin got so mad that he hit the car door hard leaving a dint. "What the fuck?!" Justin turned around gripping his hair before walking to his car getting in. "That dude has serious problems" Courtney said before Justin sped off.

"What the hell did you do to my car?" Selena saw the dint in her drivers side door. "We didn't do anything" Raquelle said as she got out the car. "So that dint just appeared out of nowhere?" Selena looked at her two friends. "It wasn't us—" Selena cut her off. "Yeah don't tell me then." Selena was about to walk up the steps before Courtney stopped her. "It was Justin." Selena stooped with confusion on her face before turning around looking at them. "What?" Courtney and Raquelle both explained to her what happened. "This makes no sense, why is he coming to my house when he's married?" Selena was frustrated with the situation and was even frustrated that he dinted her door. "Because he doesn't want you to be happy. You know how Justin is. He's toxic as hell, he doesn't want you but he also doesn't want you with anybody else."

"You know what, I don't need this shit. I'm going for a jog around the neighborhood." The girls both told her not to but Selena can be a bit stubborn sometimes. After changing into her puma gear and grabbing her headphones from inside of the house, Selena stepped outside of her million dollar mansion. "Sel this is ridiculous" Courtney told her. "Yeah what if Justin comes back, then what?" Raquelle told her with Selena shrugging. She put her headphones in while the sun was beaming down on her but the breeze felt amazing to her. She arching her leg back and grabbing it to stretch. She did the same to the other before she jogged down the steps in her puma gear. She jogged passed her gate going down the neighborhood. She needed to get her mind off of everything right now. She jogged for about 10 minutes before stopping to catch her breath.

She noticed a car from a distance was parked and they seemed to be watching her. She started to jog again and once she started jogging the car started to follow behind her slowly. She noticed so she started to sprint even though she wasn't as fast. As she was sprinting she looked over her shoulder seeing the car still following her. She wasn't sure if it was the paparazzi or some crazy stalker. Either way she was freaked out. "Selena!" A voice yelled out at her causing her to stop when she looked back to see who it was. It was Charlie Puth..."

"You good?" Charlie got out of his car after the car that was following her sped off. "That car was following me" She said out of breath. "It was probably the paparazzi" he told her. She didn't believe it because if it was them then why didn't they roll their windows down and take pics like they always do? "Besides, you shouldn't be out here by yourself. It's dangerous who knows what could happen to someone as sexy as you. I'd hate if something bad was to happen to you. I'd have to go on a killing spree." He said before walking up to her hugging her. She hesitated before hugged him back. "Let me get you home."

Charlie was driving while she was sitting in the passenger seat. She was looking down at her phone texting Romeo explaining to him what just happened. "You're quiet." Charlie glanced over at her, she continued texting her boyfriend. "Just thinking about what would've happened if you hadn't been in the neighborhood." Charlie knew she was frightened by that person, he saw it in her eyes. "If you ever feel like running and have no one to run with, don't hesitate to call me. I'll stop what I'm doing for you. I just don't want you to put yourself in danger." Charlie pulled in her over long driveway parking behind her BMW. "Thank you but I have a boyfriend who I could do that with even though he's in another country right now."

Charlie was hurt when she said she has a boyfriend. "Boyfriend? That's news to me. I didn't know you were taken but I'm not surprised..." Charlie was in love with Selena, he wasn't about to let a boyfriend stand in the way of winning her heart. "Thank you for making me feel so safe." Selena told him before getting out with Raquelle and Courtney both walking out the house and down the steps. "Charlie? What are you doing here?" Raquelle asked him before he told them what happened. "I'm fine, I promise." Selena reassured them. "You might be fine but you had no reason to be jogging alone. It's dangerous, what if you would've hurt the—" Raquelle stopped herself before continuing. "Thank you Charlie, please come inside so we could make you breakfast. It's the least we could do." Raquelle told him with Selena sighing.

To Be Continued

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