Birthday Boy

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"Happy Birthday to you" Selena sing as she stood on the bed with him between her legs sleeping. She had her Polaroid camera in her hands snapping pictures. He finally woke up seeing the beautiful woman standing above him. "Hi baby" he smiled before sitting up holding her legs before rubbing them up and down. "Happy Birthday baby" she sat down with her legs wrapped around him and arms around his neck. She kissed him passionately feeling his hands go up the back of her shirt. "How about some birthday sex?" As much as Selena wanted to make love to her man right there, she knew her family was dying to see him. "How about we save that for tonight. I want to give you your presents if that's okay with you." She kissed him before getting off of him and the bed.

"Baby I told you, I have everything I want now." He watched her grab a bag from the closet bringing it to him. It was a Versace bag she got him a nice shirt and pants. "Babe you didn't have to do this" she then pulled out a black box and handed it to him. "What's this?" She didn't say nothing so he opened it seeing the 14K diamond Rolex. "Do you like it?" She asked as she watched him turn it around then noticed their initials. "Yo...." he couldn't believe it. He stood up and grabbed her face kissing her passionately. She placed her hands on his wrists before pulling away from the kiss. "I have another gift for you but first take a shower and put what I bought you on" she bit her bottom lip.

Selena took him to the roof top but this time to surprise him with his family being there. "Oh no..." he was so surprised and shocked. "Oh no!" He laughed as he started hugging his family. "Surprise son, happy birthday." Romeo hugged his father while Selena watched with a smile on her face. "Thanks Pops, this is the best surprise ever." Master P pulled away from the hug. "I can't take credit for this, your lady called me and asked to get this set up. She wanted to surprise you with us being here." Romeo couldn't believe Selena did all of this for him. She made him feel so special. "Babe, I don't know what to say..." she chuckled at him. "How about thank you baby, you're the best." Romeo kissed her with his family mumbling things among each other about them. "Thank you baby. You're definitely the best."

Hours later Romeo was looking for his girlfriend before his sister Tytyana told him she saw Selena go down to the room. He excused himself to go find her. "Babe, I was looking for you." She was seated on the bed with her legs crossed. "I needed to get away for a few...besides I have one last surprise for you.." Romeo felt beyond spoiled from all of the amazing things she has done for him today. "Babe, I don't need anymore surprises" he told her. "I get that but.. this is something I can't take back." She saw the confusion on his face so she grabbed his hand and brought it down to her stomach. His eyes lit up when he saw a nervous smile on his girlfriend's face. "I'm pregnant..."

Selena didn't know how he was going to react all she knew is that she really wanted the baby and was hoping he feels the same way. "You're pregnant? Like for real for real??" He was completely shocked. He knew she didn't allow him to pull out but he thought since they made love in the jacuzzi they'll be a chance that she wouldn't get pregnant. "Yes and even though I'm completely nervous about this situation, I'm truly happy. I'm having your baby and we're finally going to be parents" a few tears escaped her eyes. Romeo sat down besides her with her eyes on him. He felt the emotions run through him as he placed his hand against his forehead with his elbow against his knee. A tear escaped his eye as he started to smile. "Baby, this is the best birthday gift that I ever received. I can't wait to go through this whole process with you and then see our baby boy or baby girl born. I hope it's a girl though. I know I'll be extra protective of her because she'll be just as beautiful as her mama with a body like her" Selena giggled at her man. "If you don't mind I would love to name her Rose Miller. I've always loved the name "Rose" and I would love for her to have your middle name Marie."

"So Rose Marie Miller?" Selena loved the name so much. Selena kissed her man before laying her head against his shoulder. "Were going to be such great parents. I can't wait, I am so happy right now. I have everything I ever wanted. Thank you for everything you have done for me baby. Your love for me doesn't go unknown. Believe that." Romeo said before kissing the top of her head.

To Be Continued

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