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nobody's pov
april 8th
9:00 am

spring break went by fast for the boys. hyunsoo got to meet jisung's boyfriend, minho, and spend a lot of time with the two boys, while jian spent a lot of his time with his family and even took the time to get to know the area he moved to.

however, school was now back in session as the two weeks were now over.

jian walked into class, heading over to his desk and realizing something different. "is jax not here today?" jian questioned, as he sat down in his seat, seeing a lonely and pouting tuah.

"no, he's not." the elder pouted, "and i'm mad at him for it."

"why are you mad at him?" jian asked, tilting his head and looking over to the empty seat next to him, "oh, bitch isn't here either."

"that gives me another reason to be mad at him." tuah crossed his arms over his chest, "but we didn't get to hangout at all over spring break because this loser was like 'oh hey, i'm going to japan for two and a half weeks and visiting my grandparents' and just dipped." the boy explained, "i miss my baby koala more than anything."

"how does phan not being here give you another reason to be mad at jax?" the younger raised his eyebrow, leaning back in his chair.

"because if jax was here, he'd be clinging onto me to the extreme, especially because phan isn't here." tuah started pouting again, "i want my baby koala."

jian looked towards the door, seeing jax walk in. the two boys made eye contact, leading to jax putting his pointer finger over his mouth and shushing the boy. jian nodded his head, turning back to tuah, "it's good he didn't come, since phan just walked in."

"i'm literally going to hit myself with a book." tuah rested his head on top of his desk, "i miss and want jax, not phan."

"good thing i'm not phan." jax smiled, as he hugged tuah from behind, "i missed you."

the elder looked up, seeing jax smiling at him. tuah quickly got out of his seat, hugging jax tightly.

"don't squish me, i'm tiny!" the boy giggled, hugging tuah back just as tight.

"i've missed you." tuah responded, pulling away from jax, "i thought you weren't coming back for a few more days?"

"i wanted to surprise you." the younger responded, sitting down in his seat and taking off his backpack. "phan isn't here?" jax questioned, earning a nod from both jian and tuah. the boy then pulled on tuah's chair, bringing him closer to him, "that makes me a happy jax."

"i'm gonna be phan guys, watch this." jian said, clearing his throat, "ew, you guys are happy? that's so disgusting. i can't believe the audacity you had to start cuddling in front of me!" the boy mimicked, making jax and tuah laugh.

"my turn, my turn!" jax spoke up as he got into character. the boy crossed his arms over his chest, "i just don't get why new boy can spend time with hyunsoo. he's such a nuisance and he's going to get lost— wha— no! i don't like hyunsoo! that's gay! yuck, gay!"

the three boys started laughing again, enjoying themselves. tuah then sat up in the chair, giving a disgusted look and scoffing, "you do realize that hugging a boy is gay, right? oh, you do? to hell you go, because that isn't right." the boy shook his head, "it's not homophobia, it's the truth! disgusting gays should never experience happiness. i'll never like a boy." tuah then looked at hyunsoo who was walking by, "except him, he's the only exception."

the younger boy paused in his tracks, looking at the three boys who then bursted into laughter. the younger's eyes wandered, looking at each of the boys individually, "w-what? is there something on my face?"

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