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nobody's pov
may 7th
12:10 pm

for the past few days, jax was acting off again with tuah. he figured something happened over the weekend, but he was confused as to why the boy wouldn't even dare to sit next to him, let alone hug him.

it was lunch at this time, and jax was barely touching his food. it seemed as if something was on the boy's mind, but it was obvious he wouldn't talk about it- since he wasn't talking at all.

phan glanced over at jax, then back at tuah, "we should go see jian, we haven't talked to him in awhile."

"oh cool, i've missed jian." tuah smiled, grabbing his bag and swinging it over his arm.

the three boys grabbed their stuff, and went to head over to where jian and hyunsoo were. as they walked, jax pulled tuah behind for a moment, "i'm sorry." he immediately apologized, "i'm so sorry, tuah."

"what are you apologizing for?" tuah asked the younger, who only shook his head.

"just know i'm very sorry." jax responded.

"ay, are you two coming or what?" phan questioned the two boys, who nodded their heads and walked over to jian and hyunsoo.

tuah cooed at the two, and how hyunsoo gave jian a flower. the boy was about to say something, until phan started with his homophobic remarks. it wasn't until when phan stepped on the flower when tuah realized what was happening. tuah grabbed jax's arm, "don't you dare."

"p-phan threatened me." jax mumbled under his breath, getting his arm out of tuah's grasp and pushed him back.

of course, jax didn't do as much damage that phan did, but for him to call out hyunsoo and make him seem like a crybaby for being upset over what phan did was ridiculous. the boy's blood felt as if it was boiling, as he pushed the two out of his way and immediately went to hug hyunsoo.

"are you okay, hyunnie?" the boy questioned, earning a quiet 'no' from the younger.

hyunsoo pushed himself out of tuah's grasp, running away from the group of boys.

"hyunsoo!" jian called after the younger before turning to the boys, "what the hell are your problems?" he questioned, glaring directly at jax, "and i thought i could trust you."

tuah shook his head, "just go after hyunsoo, he needs you."

jian nodded his head, thanking tuah for comforting hyunsoo before he ran after the boy. tuah immediately turned around, crossing his arms.

"do you two want to explain?" the boy questioned, "what the hell was that? making fun of the two for being happy?"

"it's disgusting for them to even be involved with each other. two boys shouldn't be dating." phan responded.

"you're the one who likes hyunsoo." tuah pointed out, "don't be acting like you've never wanted to date a boy either." he then turned to jax, "and you, what the hell? are you kidding me, jax?"

the young boy looked down at his shoes, holding onto his own hands. tuah shook his head at the two, "unbelievable, you two. i really thought we were here to tell them hello, but you two obviously had different plans." the boy rolled his eyes, "i'm done with you two."

"you won't find anyone who's like us." phan pointed out.

"i'm happy as hell that i won't." tuah scoffed, "i don't need you two if all you two are gonna be is fake as hell and wanting to put down others for the attention." tuah then looked phan up and down, "just because you don't get enough attention from mommy and daddy, doesn't mean you can make fun of others to get attention from them."

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