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nobody's pov
september 5th
8:50 am

it was ten minutes before school started, and the group of friends was hanging out in the cafeteria while waiting for the bell to ring. phan had his head rested on the table, tapping his fingers against it. the boy had been quiet all morning, waiting for daehyun to come.

the elder and his friends walked into the cafeteria, seeing their other friends at the table. daehyun hummed to himself, as he lead his friends to the table. the boy then came up from behind phan, poking the younger in his sides, making him jump.

phan turned around, "who the-" the boy paused mid sentence, seeing daehyun and quickly getting up, as he hugged onto the boy. daehyun laughed at the younger, hugging him back, "do you have your answer yet?"

phan nodded his head, "i like you too, i just didn't know how to react." the younger confessed, resting his head on the boy's shoulder and looking up at the elder.

"so you don't care that my parents are homophobic?" daehyun questioned.

"what are they gonna do, be mad?" phan questioned back, "i don't care about them, the same way you don't care about them."

the elder smiled brightly, hugging phan tighter. jian looked over, covering his mouth, "wow, did phan just get himself a boyfriend?" the younger teased.

"it's your turn to ask out hyunsoo now." ryu told the boy as he sat down, "what are you waiting for?"

"a sign." jian responded.

nalani hummed a response, "anybody got a piece of paper?" she questioned, making the group laugh.

"hey jian, you see him?" hana asked, pointing at hyunsoo, "yeah, he likes you and i've heard you like him too, so date."

"for five dinosaur chicken nuggets, i will date him." hyunsoo spoke up, holding his hand in the air.

"only five?" phan asked, pulling away from daehyun, "dang jian, his request is low."

"i don't got five dinosaur nuggets on me." jian shook his head.

"uh oh, looks like we can't date." hyunsoo told the boy, pouting at him, "i sorry."

"you guys weren't kidding when you said you wanted to take it slow." tuah spoke up, "you guys really want it to be a solid relationship."

jian shrugged, "i may act like xun, but i am not repeating him with his experience in relationships." the younger then paused, "though, he does have a boyfriend now and they seem pretty solid."

"it's your turn." jax told the boy, poking at his side, "your turn."

jian scrunched up his face, shaking his head, "i'll ask soon."

hyunsoo turned his head, pointing at jian, "you, me, milkshake date, this weekend."

"sure." jian shrugged, "i'm sleeping over too."

hyunsoo nodded his head, "sleep over the entire weekend."

"ugh, that's so long." the elder said, acting annoyed, "why not a whole week?"

"because we have something called school, dummy." hyunsoo responded, "only the weekend."

jian pouted at the boy, "fine." he said, crossing his arms.

"pouty boy." daehyun said, sitting in front of the younger, "i wish i could sleep over at phan's house again but i got grounded."

"when has being grounded ever stopped you from something?" minh questioned the elder.

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