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nobody's pov
october 2nd
10:00 am

"so, my dad won't be home thursday at dinner time." daehyun mentioned to phan as they worked on math together.

"oh, thursday is chan's birthday." hyunsoo spoke up as he realized, turning to jian, "remind me to tell chan happy birthday."

jian nodded his head, solving the problem with his calculator. phan looked at the two, turning to daehyun, "okay." he hummed, "what time will he come home?"

"nine o'clock." daehyun responded, "don't worry, he won't be coming home while you're over, i promise."

phan nodded his head, looking at his paper and going back to his work. the boy then paused, looking back at daehyun, "so, what's your mom like?"

"strict." daehyun shrugged, "there's no escaping that, because both my parents are strict." he paused, "but her homophobia isn't as bad as my dad's." the boy confessed, "she does make comments, but only to me and my dad, saying she doesn't want me to be apart of that." daehyun flipped his page over, "but i'm a lot of things she doesn't want me to be, so."

"bad boy." hyunsoo told the elder, pointing his pencil at him and making him laugh. the younger then turned to jian, asking for help on a problem.

phan hummed a response, looking at the youngers, then to daehyun, "so what would she do if she found out?"

daehyun shrugged at the younger, picking up his calculator, "she'd probably just tell me she needs time to think about it and process it."

the younger nodded his head, tapping his pencil against his desk. daehyun looked over, "you don't have to stress yourself out so much, she's literally not homophobic to ryu and minh at all, and they definitely don't hide their relationship when they come over."

jian laughed at daehyun, shaking his head. daehyun looked at the younger, "i'm serious!" he said, "ryu and minh are so obvious."

"kaui still kissed minh's boy though." jian pointed at the elder.

"and kaui is very lucky that wasn't ryu's first kiss." daehyun pointed back at the younger.

"minh doesn't seem aggressive." hyunsoo confessed, fixing his sitting position and switching to criss cross.

"he's not aggressive." daehyun paused, "just possessive, like jian."

jian clicked his tongue, staring at the elder before going back to the math page. phan laughed at jian's response, "he didn't deny it."

"cause he knows." daehyun laughed with phan, "do you want your parents to meet my mom?"

"no." phan immediately disagreed, shaking his head, "no way, they would accidentally out us."

the elder hummed a response, "good idea."

"oh my god." hyunsoo groaned out, face palming, "i just wrote the wrong answer in pen."

jian looked over, grabbing his eraser and erasing the boy's pen marking, "thank my handy universal eraser."

"thank you, ugly." the younger said, earning a nod from the elder.

jian then turned back to his paper, making sure he finished it completely. the boy leaned back in his chair, stretching out and sitting back up. he then turned his body, grabbing hyunsoo's chair and pulling the boy closer to him. daehyun laughed at the movement, shaking his head, "hyunsoo is so tiny."

"i know right?" jian laughed with the boy, "i can easily drag him."

hyunsoo looked at jian, getting close to his face and furrowing his eyebrows. jian widened his eyes, puckering up his lips. hyunsoo's expression then became shocked, as he quickly turned away. jian laughed again, "so shy, hyunnie."

"not funny, i'm trying to work." the younger shook his head.

jian smiled at the boy, turning to daehyun and phan, "so, thursday is tomorrow." he mentioned to the boys, "are you ready, phan?"

"nuh uh." phan responded, "i am scared."

daehyun sighed out, patting the younger's head, "you'll be okay."

"what's twenty divided by eight?" hyunsoo asked, looking at the elders, "what kind of mixed traction would that be?"

"two and one fifth." jian told the younger, looking back at phan and daehyun, "i'm sure everything will be okay. i mean, what's the worst thing his mom will do? tell you to leave the door open?"

phan laughed at the younger, "definitely." he nodded, "imagine her telling us to keep the door open."

"what age do you think our parents will make us keep our doors open when we go to our significant others?" daehyun questioned, raising an eyebrow.

jian hummed a response, looking at hyunsoo, "never for me, considering who i'm dating."

phan continued to laugh, "mine will probably be thirteen, considering who i'm dating."

"i am not that bad." daehyun disagreed, "more like fourteen."

"wow, a whole year." phan sarcastically said as he gasped.

"why would we need to keep the door open?" hyunsoo asked, checking over his paper and setting his pen down.

"to leave room for jesus." daehyun responded, "gotta let jesus come in."

hyunsoo hummed a response, resting his head on jian's shoulder, "then my parents would say never, because everyday is holy day."

jian wrapped an arm around the younger, "science this year will change that."

"you guys didn't learn it at the end of school last year?" daehyun questioned, furrowing his eyebrows, "because we had to."

"they didn't reach us it because they said we're just going to learn it this year." phan responded.

the elder paused, "but the girls?" he questioned under his breath, "what would they do?"

"tell their parents." jian answered, "or just freak out and cry until someone tells them it's natural." the boy shrugged, "liena told my mom while luli cried and wrote her death note to us because she thought she was dying."

hyunsoo giggled at jian, "i love luli, she's so funny."

"i guess she is." the elder said, "but i'm funnier."

"oh, definitely." hyunsoo agreed.

"hey jian, use your humor to calm me down tomorrow before i go to daehyun's, because i'll need it." phan told the younger.

"i got you." jian laughed, "don't worry, it'll go well."

"trust us, it will definitely go well." daehyun reassured the boy.

phan nodded his head, "i really hope it does."

authors note:
why is dejavu in first person before we even get it? only actual memories that have happened are in first person, and made up memories that didn't happen are in third person. so,, why is dejavu in first person? bc we've already lived our lives and we're stuck in a forever simulation 😤😤

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