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nobody's pov
may 13th
12:00 pm

jax sat down by a tree, resting against his backpack as he took out a book to read. the boy didn't feel like eating his lunch today, as his stomach was hurting him too much. he really wished he had tuah to hug him better, but they both agreed they needed time. jax sighed out while he thought about tuah and how much he missed him. however, he just wasn't ready to tell the boy he liked him; not yet, it was too soon for him.

the boy looked up from his book, seeing hyunsoo and jian play fighting with each other and laughing. jax thought to himself, thinking it'd be best to start fixing friendships sooner than later. the boy put his book back into his backpack, zipping it up before putting it back on. as he walked over to jian and hyunsoo, all he felt was anxiety rushing through his blood. he knew they were upset, he knew they wouldn't be willing to forgive, but he still wanted to try.

"h-hey g-guys." the boy stuttered out, nervously cracking his fingers.

jian stopped laughing with hyunsoo, as his smile on his face faded. the boy glanced jax up and down, raising an eyebrow. "what do you want?" he asked.

"i-i just wanted to say i-i'm sorry for w-what phan and i did." he explained, "r-really, i-i'm sorry."

hyunsoo felt bad for jax, knowing the boy was genuinely sorry and he was most likely peer pressured. "it's oka—"

"okay?" jian questioned, looking at jax with a dirty look, "do you expect us to forgive you?"

hyunsoo turned his head to jian, looking at the boy with a shocked look, "jian." the boy scolded, "don't be rude."

"i-it's fine, i didn't expect you guys to forgive me anyways." jax shrugged, "i just wanted you guys to know i'm sorry."

"okay, bye." jian responded, waving at the boy.

hyunsoo waited for jax to leave before saying anything. once the boy was gone, hyunsoo immediately turned to jian, "what was that?"

"i'm not forgiving him." the elder refused, "he can be alone for all i care."

"why are you being so rude?" hyunsoo asked, "just because he did one thing, doesn't make him a horrible person in general."

"he's fake." jian said, not really caring, "shouldn't have done what he did."

"okay, but have you maybe thought about the possible idea of peer pressure?" the younger raised an eyebrow, "it's obvious jax likes tuah, so to do something like that would've never happened if he hadn't been pressured to do such."

"i don't care." jian responded, "he made you cry, so he has a grudge held against him."

"he didn't make me cry." hyunsoo refused, "it was phan who made me cry."

"still, i'm not forgiving him." the elder shrugged, "be mad all you want, i'm not gonna forgive him."

hyunsoo stared at jian, only to receive another shrug from him. hyunsoo let out a groan, shaking his head. jian flashed the younger a smile, getting a glare in return.

"he made you upset." jian pointed out, "i'm not forgiving that right now."

"if i'm your favorite person, you'll forgive him eventually." hyunsoo crossed his arms.

the elder boy took in a long inhale, letting it out, "fine."

hyunsoo smiled at the elder, wrapping his arms around jian. the boy sighed out, holding hyunsoo back.

"just be glad you're my favorite person." jian told the younger once he pulled away, "because if not, i would've continued to be ruthless."

hyunsoo started giggling, "i win."

"sadly." the elder sighed, "if you always pull that card, you'll constantly be winning."

hyunsoo smiled at the boy, "okay, but, seriously, dino chicken nuggets are so much better than strawberry lemonade."

"no way." jian argued, "strawberry lemonade beats."

"you're so weird." hyunsoo judged, "i can't believe i hang out with a loser who likes strawberry lemonade more than dinosaur chicken nuggets."

"says the loser who thinks dinosaur chicken nuggets are superior." the elder faked a gag, "can't believe i'm friends with you."

the younger let out a quiet 'hmph' before changing the topic, "so, do you want to come over after school today and eat dinosaur chicken nuggets with me?"

"will i get my strawberry lemonade?" jian asked, receiving a nod, "then i'll definitely be at your house after school today."

hyunsoo smiled softly, kissing jian's cheek, "can't wait, loser."

authors note:
my cat b like: crackhead noises

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