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nobody's pov
march 31st
9:30 pm

"i miss school." hyunsoo confessed, resting his head on koji's stomach.

"ew, i don't." koji faked a gag, "i hate school."

"i miss school because of one specific person." the younger said, as he grabbed koji's hand and measured it against his own.

koji intertwined their fingers, "jian, huh?" the boy questioned, "that's cute."

hyunsoo smiled softly, letting go of koji's hand as he sat up. the younger then rested his head against koji's shoulder, as he wrapped a leg around the boy's waist and grabbed his hand, holding it.

"koji," the younger spoke up, gaining the boy's attention, "how come you've never told me about any crushes you've had?"

the boy sighed out, "there's just no point in telling you, hyunnie." he confessed, "anytime i had a crush on someone, they ended up becoming happier with somebody else- so i just keep these types of things to myself." he explained, "i don't want to ruin anyone else's happiness, you know?"

"what kind of dumb dumb bubblegum wouldn't like you back?" hyunsoo questioned, "you'd be such a good boyfriend."

koji let out a laugh as he shook his head, "if people are happier with others that aren't me, it's fine. they deserve that happiness, even if i want to be the one that's the cause of their happiness."

hyunsoo hummed out, "have you ever thought of confessing to any of them?"

"of course." koji responded, "but, then they talk about someone else, so i just keep it to myself until i move on."

the younger looked up, "i hope one day someone realizes how amazing my best friend is." he softly smiled, "and i hope they treat you very well."

"thank you." the elder softly smiled back, "now go to bed, hyunnie." he said, letting go of hyunsoo's hand to pull the covers over them.

once the covers were over the two, hyunsoo reached his hand out again for koji. the elder intertwined their fingers, turning to hyunsoo, "you know, we won't be able to do this once you and jian get closer." he mentioned, "our cuddle nights will go out the door."

"but that's not fair." hyunsoo pouted, "i enjoy cuddle nights."

"don't worry, hyunnie." koji gave the boy a reassuring smile, "you'll have cuddle nights with jian instead."

the younger let out a sigh, pulling koji closer, "goodnight, my koko."

the elder kissed the younger's forehead, "goodnight, hyunnie."

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