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nobody's pov
june 17th
6:45 pm

today was the day of the group date at the cinema, and a few of the friends were already there, sitting outside of the cinema as they waited for the rest of their friends. nalani was sitting on the steps, talking to kaui once she saw kai pulled up. the girl rolled her eyes, letting out an annoyed groan.

"so, how long are you gonna hate her for?" kaui questioned the girl, looking over at her.

"who knows." nalani laughed, "i haven't talked to her in almost a week, and i'm not going to talk to her unless i genuinely have to."

kaui shook his head, "you can't ignore her forever, especially when she's in our friend group."

"i can and i will." nalani responded, "it doesn't matter."

"this is the same shit that happened with leo and i, but look at him and i now." kaui mentioned, "you need to make up with her."

"the difference is, you both still had feelings for each other." the girl shook her head, "kai lost feelings for me, so i can't do shit about it, and i don't have the energy to do shit about it."

kaui sighed out, looking over at kai who got out of her car. the elder cleared his throat, calling kai over.

"you're fucking kidding me, kaui." nalani glared, "are you serious?"

"be nice." kaui scolded the younger.

nalani rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone. nalani then went onto her phone, as kai walked up to them both.

"hey guys." kai said in a nervous voice.

"hey kai." kaui greeted, looking over at nalani. kaui nudged the girl in her shoulder.

"oh hey, look, it's jax and tuah." nalani said, looking at the two. the girl then got up, "later." she told the two before walking away and joining jax and tuah.

kaui shook his head at the girl, looking at kai, "she'll eventually come around."

"probably not." kai sighed, "she's just being dramatic and immature." the girl said, loud enough for nalani to hear.

nalani stopped walking, as she slowly turned around, "what did you say?" she questioned, "i'm being dramatic and immature?"

"did i stutter?" kai questioned back.

"i'm gonna make you have a stutter." nalani threatened, crossing her arms.

tuah and jax walked over to nalani, as tuah softly patted the girl's head, "let's calm down, hot head."

"of course, because confronting your problems like that definitely solves everything for you." kai shook her head, "you think you're so big and bad, don't you, nalani?"

"shut the fuck up, kai." nalani glared, "you're so fucking selfish, you know that?"

"i'm selfish?" kai questioned, walking over to the girl.

kaui quickly walked in front of the girl, pushing her back, "let's not." he softly said.

"yeah, you are." nalani nodded, "because throughout this entire fucking relationship, i was always there for your ass. anytime you dealt with your transphobic family, i was there comforting you. i would stay up nights upon nights, telling you how fucking beautiful you are and how much i love you." the girl furrowed her eyebrows, "but where were you when i needed you, kai? when i was going through shit, where were you?"

kai stared at the girl, "well, how was i supposed to know you fucking needed me?"

"you know by sensing something is fucking wrong, but you never cared enough to notice!" nalani yelled, tears building up in her eyes, "or maybe you did, and you didn't care enough to comfort me." the girl scoffed, "i mean, you literally broke up with me and are so mad at me for not being able to act the same, but can't fucking see that i'm still so helplessly in love with your stupid ass."

nalani then began to cry, as she shook her head, "and no matter how many times i try to convince myself to hate you, i can't do it. i can't bring myself to hate you because a part of me still hopes that you and i could get back together." nalani wiped her tears, "and it's why i can't fucking scream at you about anything besides how hurt i am, because of that stupid fucking hope i have."

kai fell silent, as she stared at nalani. the girl didn't know what to say to nalani, unable to come up with the right words, or any words for that matter.

"i wanna go home, fuck this stupid fucking group date bullshit." nalani said, going to turn around until she saw the rest of their friend group looking over in silence. "and they just fucking saw me cry, great." nalani shook her head, turning around to tuah, "i'm gonna call my mom to pick me up, i don't want to be here anymore."

"but maybe a movie co-"

"i don't want to be here, jax." nalani cut the elder off, "i'm sorry."

jax sighed out, "okay." he said softly.

"do you want me to go home with you?" tuah questioned, "i can go home with you, lani."

nalani shook her head, "i'd rather be alone." the girl then took out her phone, "i'll talk to you guys later." she said, before walking away from the group and going over to one of the pillars.

tuah looked back, letting out a sigh. the rest of the friend group slowly approached the four, not knowing what to say.

"she's going home?" hyunsoo questioned quietly, "why doesn't she stay? we could make her feel better."

"i think being around her ex is too much for her." minh responded, looking at kai, "no offense, but, it just looks like she's taking this break up really hard."

"never seen her cry." hana whispered under her breath.

"like that makes me feel any better, hana." kai turned around, glaring at the girl.

"hey, i was just saying." hana raised her hands in defense, only to lower them, "chill out, kai."

"you try chilling out when it feels like everyone's against you." kai responded.

"nobody's against you." jian shook his head, "none of us are taking sides in this shit, it's yours and nalani's problem that you two need to solve."

"arguing like that definitely isn't gonna make any of your shit better either." kaui mentioned, walking over to leo and wrapping his arms around him, "you two need to talk it out and find some middle ground."

"don't talk it out right now though." daehyun told the girl, "i don't think nalani is in the right position to talk anything out with anyone."

"yeah, just give it a week or so, and then talk to her about your problems." phan agreed with daehyun, "she still loves you, so she will eventually come around and talk about this shit with you."

"you two," hyunsoo said, placing his hands on kai's shoulders, "need to solve this problem." the boy shook kai, "and if we have to pull a kaui and leo, and lock you two in a closet until you two are good again, we will."

"we definitely will." ryu agreed, "don't test us."

kai sighed a response, nodding her head, "let's just go and buy our tickets now."

"you guys go ahead, i'm gonna stay back and watch nalani get picked up." tuah told the group, "i just want to make sure she's safe."

"alright, we'll meet you inside then, tuah." koji told the elder who nodded his head.

the friend group then left to the ticket booth, while tuah stayed back and watched nalani, making sure that she got picked up and left the cinema safely. once the girl was picked up, tuah headed over to the ticket booth, buying his ticket and heading inside the cinema to meet the others at the snack bar.

"she got picked up, she's good." tuah informed the others.

"hopefully she stays safe for the rest of tonight." hana sighed out.

"i feel bad." kai confessed.

"she'll be okay." leo reassured, "just give her time."

kai took in a deep breath, nodding her head, "so, movie time?"

"movie time."

authors note:
omfg my packages of clothing that i ordered a month ago should finally be here tomorrow, i'm so excited😖😖

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