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nobody's pov
august 8th
12:15 pm

the group of kids were at the park, hanging out and enjoying each other's presence once again. some were at the benches, while others were playing on the playground. meanwhile, jian was trying out new tricks on his skateboard he got.

"wow, jian is a bad boy, huh?" nalani teased the boy, laughing at him while he put his skateboard to a stop.

"you're just jealous you can't do sick tricks like i can." jian responded, kicking his skateboard up and holding onto it.

jax let out a gasp, getting out of tuah's grasp, "can you teach me how to skate?"

jian glanced at hyunsoo, then towards tuah, "ay t, do you know how to skate?"

tuah nodded his head, walking over to the two, "why do you wanna know?"

"teach your boyfriend how to skate." the younger responded, handing his skateboard to tuah, "i don't want you or hyunnie to get jealous."

tuah let out a laugh, "alright, that's fine."

jax turned to tuah, giving him puppy dog eyes, "teach me, teach me!"

tuah set down the skateboard on the concrete, placing a foot on top of it. as the boy was teaching, jian walked away and over to hyunsoo, scaring the boy.

"boo!" he yelled, as he came up to the younger who was distracted.

the younger jumped in place, looking up from his phone and holding it close to his chest, "you're so mean! why would you scare me like that?"

"because you're easily scared." jian laughed, "it's funny scaring you."

hyunsoo pouted at the elder, "meanie." he said, "apologize!"

the elder smiled softly, leaning down and kissing the younger's forehead as he wrapped his arms around him, "i'm sorry."

the younger smiled at the boy, "it's okay." he said, as he pulled away from the hug, "lets go swing on the swings."

jian nodded his head, grabbing hyunsoo's free hand and going over to the swings where hana and koji were. the two sat in the two free spaces, as they began a competition on who can swing higher. while the group of four were on the swings, and tuah was teaching jax how to skate while nalani and kai watched, a group of boys, the same age as hyunsoo's friend group walked into the park, heading towards the basketball court. as the group of boys were walking, phan had accidentally ran into one of the boys holding the basketball, leading to him dropping it.

"oh shoot, i'm so sorry." phan apologized, "that was my fault."

"it's okay." the boy nodded, as they both then went after the ball that bounced away.

"never seen daehyun give anyone the time of day." the boy's friend, minh, confessed, turning to his friends who waited for his return.

"right? usually he just hums or acts like nothing happened." another boy, kaui, agreed, "maybe it's because the basketball rolled away."

ryu, the boy's friend then bursted into laughter as he watched the scene, seeing as phan and daehyun accidentally bumped their heads, "they just hit their heads because of the ball." he said through laughter, "that was funny."

"ryu, you're such an ass." minh confessed, shaking his head as he turned back to the two boys, "wait a minute, they're talking."

"why is daehyun being nice and making friends?" ryu asked, "must be opposite day."

kaui softly laughed, "i'm going to be really surprised if he invites him to play basketball with us."

the three boys then sat down on a bench, waiting for their friend to return with the basketball. 

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