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nobody's pov
march 13th
7:30 am

"we just moved here and you're already making us go to school?" jian questioned his parents actions, "that's so unfair."

"you guys have to get an education." the boy's mother pointed out, "now go get ready."

"why can't we just start after spring break?" junjie asked, "i'm so jet lagged."

"go get ready." their mother repeated herself, "now."

"how am i gonna get to school?" jian asked, "there's no way i'm taking the bus when i know nobody."

"i'll drive you." xun chimed in, "now listen to our mother and go get ready before you get whooped with a sandal."

"on it." jian giggled, running back upstairs to his room.

"can i stay home? i don't feel too good." junjie whined, "my stomach hurts."

"jun." his mother stared at the boy, "no, go get ready."

junjie sighed out, going back upstairs to his room and getting ready.

"of course it's the young ones complaining about school." xun laughed, shaking his head.

"well, i thought junjie would be fine." their mother confessed, "he seemed excited, but now he just seems anxious."

"it's a new school, new people, new country." luli pointed out, "he's probably just really nervous."

liena nodded her head, "he'll be fine, mom. he just needs time getting used to this." the girl smiled, "i know already that he's going to come home and be excited about how he made new friends."

"we'll keep an eye on him, too." xun added in, "and if he doesn't make any friends, that's fine, i don't mind my little brother hanging out with me."

"yeah, neither do i." luli agreed, "we'll make sure he's okay."

"i'll annoy him anytime i see him walking the halls." liena smiled, "he's going to be with us, so he'll be safe."

"jian is screwed, though." xun pointed out, turning to his mom, "why'd you and dad wait so long to have another kid?"

"blame your dad." their mom shrugged, "he said he didn't want another kid and then jian was created years later, so."

"ew." liena spoke in disgust, "i'm going to my room and i'm going to finish unpacking while waiting for the two younglings."

"have fun with that." xun told the girl, "and don't break anything."

"no promises." she laughed before leaving to her room.

"alright, well i have to go to my interview." their mother spoke up, "so you two take care of your younger siblings."

"who's in charge?" luli questioned, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"you are." their mother responded.

"what?" xun asked in shock, "but i'm the oldest!"

"yeah, but i'm the coolest." luli smiled, flicking xun's forehead, "loser."

8:50 am

jian got out of his older brothers car, waving all his siblings goodbye as he walked away from the drop off center and into the office.

the boy walked up to one of the staff working the office, as he tightly grasped onto the straps of his backpack.

"hi, sweetie." the girl smiled, "how can i help you?"

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