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nobody's pov
may 10th
10:00 pm

"don't you think it's crazy?" koji spoke up, laying on his bed and looking up at the ceiling, "everyone's groups got split up so quickly within a few days."

hana agreed with the boy, "at least nalani, kai, and i are still a friend group." the girl mentioned, "they're my best friends, and i'd rather not fight with them."

"i thought i was your best friend." the boy looked over, a pout on his face.

"you're my best guy friend." she responded, "nalani and kai are my best girls." hana then paused, "and besides, you have hyunsoo."

"and hyunsoo has jian." koji pointed out, "they've become inseparable."

hana sighed out, as she moved from her spot on the boy's bed and to him. the girl rested her head on top of koji's stomach, "and so have we."

koji smiled softly, "i'm still surprised our parents allowed us to have a sleepover."

"me too." she responded, "but i'm happy they did."

the boy fell silent, looking back at the ceiling. "you know what i can't get off my mind?"

"hm?" hana looked over, "what's on your mind?"

"how everyone's crush is so obvious, but yours." he mentioned, "like, tuah and jax obviously are crushing on each other, jian and hyunsoo, kai and nalani, but then there's you." koji shook his head, "you confuse me so much."

hana started to laugh, "do you want me to tell you who my crush is that badly?"

"kind of." koji responded, "like i just want to know who, because i'm nosey like that."

hana continued to laugh, as she got out of bed and reached her hand out, helping koji up. the girl took the boy to his bathroom, as they stood in front of the mirror.

"who do you see?" she questioned, pointing at the mirror.

"i see us." the boy said, slightly confused by the girl's actions.

hana then went below the counter, "now, who do you see?"

"me." koji answered, still confused. "how is this relevant?"

the girl shook her head, standing back up. hana flicked the boy's forehead, "you dummy, you asked me who i liked."

koji paused for a moment, "wait a minute." the boy finally realized, "you like me?"

"yeah, you dummy." hana softly smiled, "took you forever to realize."

"hana, i'm sorry, but," koji looked down at the bathroom floor, "i-" the boy paused, looking back up with a smile on his face as he pulled the girl into a hug, "i like you too."

"dude, you made my heart stop." the girl confessed, wrapping her arms around koji, "don't pull that ever again."

koji started laughing, hugging the girl tighter. the two eventually pulled away, smiling at each other. hana then started to laugh, as she realized their situation, "we really just confessed to each other in a bathroom."

"i didn't even realize." koji confessed, "oh well, at least every time i look in the mirror, i'll be reminded."

"and you said i'm so cliché." hana crossed her arms, "obviously i'm not, when there's a whole you."

the boy laughed at the younger, "whatever you say."

"whatever you say." she mimicked in a lower voice, before uncrossing her arms and grabbing the boy's hand, taking him back to his room, "we should watch a movie."

"what movie?" the boy asked the girl, "you can pick."

"to all the boys i've loved before." she responded, as she let go of koji's hand and got on top of his bed.

"cliché." koji teased her, walking over to his nightstand, picking up the remote to the tv.

hana eyed the boy, "you're the cliché one here." she shook her head, grabbing the stuffed animal koji gave her the last time she was over.

koji looked over, seeing the girl hugging the stuffed animal. the boy smiled at the sight, as he walked over to his bed while going to netflix so they'd be able to watch the movie. koji sat down on top of his bed, going through the list of movies until he found to all the boys i've loved before. the boy turned on the movie, setting down the remote in between the two. koji reached to the bottom of his bed, pulling the blanket on top of the two. hana looked over at koji, seeing the boy let out a yawn. the girl silently cooed at the boy.

"you're so cute, you loser." the girl spoke up, "very very cute."

koji looked at hana, "you're the one holding a stuffed animal."

"you're still cute." hana responded, holding the stuffed animal closer.

the boy flashed the girl a smile, turning back to their movie, "focus on the movie, loser."

hana huffed out, moving closer to koji and resting her head on his shoulder. the boy looked over, wrapping an arm around the girl. hana smiled softly at the action, looking up at the boy.

"you're my favorite loser, koko." the girl confessed.

koji smiled at hana, resting his head on top of hers, "and you are mine."

authors note:
so many side ships😔
i still have yet to write jax and his imaginary friend LMFAOOOO

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