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nobody's pov
may 8th
9:10 am

"hirota jax, if you don't get yourself in the damn classroom, i'm going to shove you in there myself." hana threatened the boy who's been refusing to enter the class for the past fifteen minutes now.

"i don't want to go in." jax shook his head, "i'm scared."

"you'll be fine, you have me." the girl reassured him, "come on, jax."

"nuh uh." jax continued to refuse, "i'm scared."

hana stared at the boy for a minute, "i'm going to pick you up and carry you into the class if you don't walk in there right now."

the boy let out a 'hmph' as he crossed his arms over his chest. hana rolled her eyes, opening the classroom door and pushing the boy inside. the girl walked behind jax, closing the door behind them.

"sorry that we're late, mrs.che." hana apologized, "it was quite a difficult morning."

"it's okay, hana. we're working on another assignment, so just get into your groups." mrs.che informed the two that walked in.

"god damnit, i should've just stayed home." the boy mumbled under his breath.

hana shook her head at the boy, as they walked over to the table where phan and tuah were seated at.

"great, the minion is here." tuah spoke quietly, rolling his eyes.

jax felt slightly saddened at tuah's sentence, but brushed it off as he sat down next to the boy. hana noticed phan glaring at both tuah and jax, leading to her questioning what his problem was. the girl shook it off, as she looked around the classroom and saw koji with hyunsoo and jian. hana felt a smile come across her face at the sight, telling jax she'd be with koji if he needed anything. as soon as hana left, tuah became even more moody.

"i really don't want to work with you two." tuah confessed, "like why the hell did jian get to work with hyunsoo, and i got stuck with you two?"

"i'm not the teacher, don't ask me." phan sassed, "listen, if you don't want to work with us so badly, just go tell mrs.che."

"thanks for the idea." the boy said, as he got out of his seat and walked over to the teacher.

jax looked at the assignment paper, reading the instructions. as the boy was reading, tuah came back, sitting back in his seat.

"so? shouldn't you be packing your stuff and leaving?" phan questioned the boy.

"she said i had to work with you two." the boy rolled his eyes.

phan glanced over at jax, taking the assignment out of his hands, "aren't you going to say something?"

the younger shook his head, not wanting to talk. tuah looked over at the boy, watching as the boy proceeded to get out his supplies.

"tragic, not even talking to either of us." phan leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms, "is it because you're ashamed?"

"at least he feels guilt." tuah turned to phan, "unlike somebody."

jax ignored the two's bickering, placing a piece of paper on top of his desk as he wrote their names down and the date. the younger grabbed the assignment paper back, as he copied down the title onto his own. jax set his pencil down, grabbing the assignment paper and reading it again.

"so he's just ignoring his problems." phan shook his head, "what a shame."

"so you're going to act like you don't ignore your problems?" tuah questioned, "you're going to act like mommy and daddy give you attention, even though it's obvious they don't?" the boy paused, "i wonder if they've ever forgotten about your birthday."

"why do you have to constantly bring them up?" phan asked, "can't you bring up something else?"

"because it's obvious that talking about them hurts you, so." tuah shrugged, feeling a hand being pressed against him. the boy looked over, seeing jax shaking his head at him, "what, i can't say those things?"

jax continued to shake his head, "don't be a jerk, tuah."

the boy groaned, rolling his eyes as he turned to phan, "quit saying stuff about jax, and i'll stop bringing up your parents."

"why do you even care about the things i say to him, don't you hate him?" the elder asked.

"no." tuah laughed, "i'm just upset, but i still love him more than anything."

jax felt a smile fall on top of his face, as he looked back at the assignment paper and his own. the boy started to do the work, since tuah and phan were too annoyed with each other to do anything.

tuah ended up ignoring phan, while he decided to focus on jax and the assignment. "the second answer isn't right. i mean, you were close, but it's not right." tuah spoke up, taking jax's pencil out of his hand and scooting closer to him. the boy read the problem to jax before proceeding into an explanation of what the correct answer would be. "you were close, you just mixed two different concepts up."

jax nodded his head, watching as tuah wrote down the correct answer. "alright, next question." tuah said before moving on.

the two boys worked together, while phan ended up working alone. jax felt happy that tuah was talking to him, even if it was only for the assignment.

10:00 am

"is that all the questions?" tuah asked once they finished.

jax nodded his head, "thank you for helping me."

the boy hummed a response, watching as jax got out of his seat to turn in their assignment. once jax turned in the assignment, the boy walked back to his seat and sat down, resting his head on top of his desk. jax ended up falling asleep, as he had just been too tired from all the thinking his mind did last night.

10:30 am

tuah looked over at the boy who was asleep, as he looked at the clock and realized the break bell was going to ring soon. tuah moved closer to jax, shaking the boy awake.

"what do you want?" jax groaned out, his eyes slowly opening.

tuah laughed at the boy, "i'm trying to wake you up before the bell does."

the younger stretched out, before proceeding to rest his head back on top of his desk, "i'm sleepy."

tuah hummed at the boy, "hey, i need to talk to you at break, okay?"

jax nodded his head, as his eyes looked toward the clock and waited for the five minutes to pass. the boy stretched during the time, as he tried his best to wake himself up. once the bell rang, the two left the classroom and went over to a bench nearby.

"so, what happened yesterday?" tuah immediately questioned, getting it off of his mind.

"uh, stuff." jax responded, not really wanting to tell tuah why he listened to phan, "but, i want you to know i'm sorry."

"you're not going to tell me what happened?" the elder raised an eyebrow, "why not?"

"i'm not ready to tell you about it yet." the younger confessed, looking down at the grass and kicking his feet, "i just need time before telling you."

tuah let out a sigh, "alright." he nodded, "i'll let you have your time then." tuah then leaned over, kissing jax's cheek, "you're still my favorite person, don't forget that."

"and you're mine, you loser." jax smiled softly, which quickly faded, "i'm sorry."

"just give us time, and we'll end up being okay." tuah reassured the younger, "don't worry about it so much."

jax nodded his head, "i trust that we will."

authors note:
i could sleep for an entire year and i would still be tired😔✌️

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