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nobody's pov
september 15th
11:50 pm

it was ten minutes before hyunsoo's birthday, and the boy was in his sisters room, jumping on her bed.

"it's my birthday in ten minutes!" the younger excitedly squealed.

soojin looked over, swiping under the younger's feet, making him fall down onto the bed. hyunsoo let out a gasp, sitting criss cross as he crossed his arms, "that's not very nice, you know."

"whatcha gonna do?" soojin asked, "huh?"

hyunsoo pouted at the elder, "this is why daehyun's a better sibling."

"who's daehyun?" felix asked, looking up from his phone and turning his attention to the two.

"his imposing sibling." the girl responded, "he got a replacement sibling."

"and he's better than you." hyunsoo glared, sticking his tongue out, "meanie."

the boy laughed at the two, "he got a fake sibling to replace you." felix continued laughing, "that's funny."

soojin rolled her eyes at felix, turning to hyunsoo and flicking his forehead, "does he tuck you in and give you goodnight kisses?"

"no because jian would get mad." hyunsoo responded, flicking soojin's forehead back, "duh."

jian pointed at the younger, nodding his head, "he didn't tell a lie."

changbin faked a laugh, as he got up, "i'm going to bed."

"okay, i'll join you in a bit." felix told the elder.

changbin shook his head, "it's good." he said, "goodnight."

the younger paused as he watched changbin leave, turning to hyunsoo, jian, and soojin, then glancing back at the door. soojin raised her eyebrows, looking at felix, "what'd you do?"

"nothing." felix responded, "at least, i don't think so."

"hey." hyunsoo spoke up, "the last time i was with everyone, minho and jisung broke up, and i am still traumatized." the boy paused, "so either, break up in korea or fix your relationship."

felix laughed at the younger, "don't worry, you don't have to worry about that while we're here." he told the boy, "all you have to worry about is how your birthday is very soon."

"and how i'm going to give you eleven spankings." soojin said, pulling hyunsoo into her arms and hugging him, "be prepared, you brat."

"i'll scream if you do." hyunsoo threatened, "watch me."

"you're so dramatic." soojin responded, grabbing the younger's face and squishing his cheeks, "so dramatic, ugly."

"i am not ugly." the younger gasped, crossing his arms and glaring at the girl, "besides, calling me ugly is also calling yourself ugly because i look just like you."

felix laughed at the younger, turning to his phone, "you're gonna get your ass beat, hyunnie."

"well, it's her fault for calling me ugly." hyunsoo said in his defense, "if i'm ugly, she's ugly too."

"she's not ugly, and neither are you." the boy responded, "now stop fighting."

jian raised his eyebrows at felix, looking at soojin and back at felix. the boy then pointed at soojin, then pointing at felix and making a heart with his hands. soojin glared at the younger, "i will fight you, don't even try it."

felix looked up from his phone, glancing at the girl, "what?"

"nothing." she responded, letting go of hyunsoo, "the eleven year olds just wanna be brats."

"i'm eleven?" hyunsoo questioned.

felix looked back down at his phone, "one more minute."

the younger boy let out a groan, resting his head on jian's shoulder, "this is the longest minute ever."

jian laughed at the younger, patting his head. the group waited the minute to pass by, so they could tell hyunsoo happy birthday. soojin looked at her phone, letting out a gasp, "okay hyunnie, come here."

"am i eleven?" hyunsoo asked, earning a nod from his sister, "oh heck no then, i am not getting spankings."

felix laughed at the younger, "happy birthday, hyunnie."

"happy birthday, loser." jian said, kissing his cheek, "you're kinda ugly."

"am not." hyunsoo disagreed, "you are though."

soojin shook her head at the two, "happy birthday hyunnie." she said, reaching her arms out for the younger, who went over to hug her. the girl kissed the top of his forehead, "thanks for being the most annoying, yet sweetest and best little brother ever."

the younger smiled brightly, letting out a yawn, "okay, i'm tired now." he said, "time to go to bed."

jian got off the bed, as hyunsoo jumped down and joined the boy. the two younger boys told the elders their goodnights, before leaving the room.

"i'm not even that tired." felix said, setting down his phone.

soojin hummed a response, laying down on her side and facing felix, "what's with your boyfriend's attitude?"

"hell if i know." the boy shrugged, "i'm just not going to deal with that bullshit."

"but you should." soojin responded, "communication."

"he's never heard of that." felix rolled his eyes, "besides, i have better things to do than trying to figure out what's wrong that might possibly start a fight."

"which is?" the girl questioned.

"watch dramas with my best friend." the boy said, standing up, "move over."

"wait a minute." soojin paused, "you have friends?" she gasped, "that's so insane, who would wanna befriend you?"

felix gasped at the girl, furrowing his eyebrows, "i'm going to sit on you."

soojin let out a laugh, sitting up and moving over. the boy then sat down next to her, as she grabbed the remote, "which drama, ugly?"

"the one where this girl's best friend ends up smacking her with a pillow." felix responded, making her laugh even harder.

"so, love alarm?" soojin asked.


authors note:
i haven't updated classmates in.. i honestly don't know how long bc i haven't touched it in a while LMFAOOOO
i just have no ideas so i don't really care enough to update it- i mean i could ask but i'm lazy😭✋

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