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nobody's pov
september 30th
12:00 pm

the group was sitting at their lunch table, eating their lunches together as they talked about things that came to their mind.

"so, basketball try outs are next week." daehyun mentioned, looking over at nalani, "you should try out."

nalani hummed a response, "maybe." she said, "is there a girls team?"

"nope." kaui shook his head, "but what's wrong with playing with boys?"

"never complained." nalani said as she took a sip of her drink, "maybe you guys should start complaining though, knowing a girl could easily kick your asses."

"you know, if you make the team and i don't, i'll be pretty upset." daehyun confessed.

nalani laughed at the elder, "wanna make a bet then?"

the elder hummed a response, "fine." he said, "if i make the team and you don't, you owe me a favor."

"and if i make the team and you don't, you have to be my bitch for a week." nalani smiled, which daehyun rolled his eyes at.

"your bitch for a week?" he questioned, "then i'm changing mine, you owe me five favors that i can use whenever."

"deal." the girl said, "but if we both make the team, we both owe each other ice cream."

"now that's what i'm talking about." daehyun laughed, "game on, kekoa."

"game on it is then, kang." nalani smiled at the boy, "i can't wait to make you my bitch."

"isn't kai already your bitch?" the boy questioned, drinking his water.

"no." nalani laughed as she shook her head, "she's my angel."

kai looked up, glancing at the two as she ate her food, "what?" she asked, with a mouth full of food.

"nalani said you're her bitch." daehyun told the girl, trying his best to not laugh.

nalani gasped at the elder, slapping his shoulder, "don't tell my princess lies." she scolded the boy, looking at phan, "fix your boyfriend."

"he's an ass, we've been through this." phan responded, "i don't know what you want me to fix, because he won't change."

"trust me na, ryu, minh and i have all been trying to fix that jerk, he's just too stubborn to change his ways." kaui mentioned, "he likes causing trouble."

"but what does that word even mean? like the term you guys are using it?" hyunsoo questioned.

"it just means like, someone that's owned by someone else." jian told the younger, "so basically someone's slave."

hyunsoo hummed a response, nodding his head. kai furrowed her eyebrows, "i'm not your slave."

"i didn't say you were." nalani shook her head, "daehyun just likes to be a brat."

daehyun laughed at the girl, nodding in agreement, "yeah, it's pretty fun."

"that's why your parents are homophobic." ryu said, "a serve."

minh let out a laugh, covering his mouth, "period."

jax shook his head at the elders, "this is what happens when hana and koji aren't here to watch us."

"where are they anyway?" tuah asked, looking around.

"they've ran away from us." ryu responded, "they couldn't handle daehyun any longer."

daehyun laughed at ryu, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around phan, resting his head on his shoulder.

"oh my god, is daehyun paying attention to his own boyfriend and not coming for mine?" jian gasped, "that's insane."

"it's cause i don't want your boyfriend like that." daehyun responded, "i already have what i want."

"you're ugly." phan told the elder, "ugly boy."

the elder hummed a response, as he continued to hug on the boy. hana and koji ended up at the table a little later than expected, along with their friend leo.

"sorry guys, we got held up." hana apologized as she sat down, "someone here wanted to cause a disruption in class."

"who did that?" leo asked, looking around, "they sound really cool."

"they're pretty lame." koji told the boy, sitting down next to hana.

leo gasped at the boy, "you're just jealous you don't have sick style like him." the boy responded, sitting next to koji, "meanie."

hana shook her head, "everyone, this is the infamous leo we've told you about."

"hi, i'm leo hong and i have heelies!" the boy said, introducing himself as he lifted one of his leg's, "look!"

jax gasped at the boy, "lucky, i want heelies." he pouted, "my parents don't let me get them because i'm clumsy."

"one day i'll let you try them." leo smiled, "but, i'll have to teach you first, so you don't fall."

"sounds cool." jax smiled back, turning to tuah, "when i convince my parents, i'm gonna skeet away from you."

"then i'll try out for track so i can chase you." tuah responded, making the younger laugh.

"you do that." he told the elder.

the group then greeted leo, as they talked to him more and learned more about him. the friend group enjoyed their meals with the boy, as they got to get to know their new friend.

authors note:
listening to troye sivan and watching the perks of being a wallflower basically sums up what i've been doing in my quarantine🕺🏼

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