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nobody's pov
june 24th
7:00 pm

jian and hyunsoo arrived to jian's grandparents house, after soojin had dropped the two off and gave them forehead kisses before leaving.

"i'm so excited to see my grandparents again, i haven't seen them in forever." jian told the younger, as he rung the doorbell.

"i'm sure they're excited to see you too, ji." hyunsoo smiled softly, clutching onto his backpack of clothing.

the door was then opened by jian's eldest brother, which made him excited to see. "xun!" jian practically screamed out, as he jumped into the boy's arms and hugged on him, "i've missed you so much."

"it's only been a few weeks, kid." xun laughed, hugging his brother back, "i've missed you too, ji."

the boy's siblings came to the door, liena's face brightening up as she saw hyunsoo and welcomed the boy with a hug. "hi hyunnie, i've missed you." she told the younger, kissing his cheek.

"i've missed you too, lili." hyunsoo smiled, hugging the girl back.

"so no hugs for luli?" luli asked, clicking her tongue, "cool, i see how it is."

hyunsoo let out a laugh, letting go of liena and walking over to luli, greeting her with a hug. jian was still clinging to his brother, as he missed being around him.

"suddenly, ji is now a koala." liena laughed at her little brother.

"i've missed xun." jian responded, "minho was a good replacement, but i still missed my big brother."

"you gotta let go sometime, ji." xun told the younger, laughing at how he was still hanging onto him.

jian shook his head, refusing to let go of his brother. xun sighed out, doing a little hop so that jian wouldn't slip, as he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist and kept him up.

"it's like he's five years old again." luli teased her little brother, pulling away from hyunsoo, "being a clingy little kid."

jian laughed at his sister, "hey, where's grandma and grandpa?"

"they went to the store to buy dinner." luli responded, walking back inside the house and holding the door open for the others.

hyunsoo took off his shoes, looking around and at luli, "where do i put my stuff?"

"tell your boyfriend to get down from his brother and i'll show you guys where you're sleeping." luli told the boy, who giggled, as she then shut the front door.

"ji, get down so we can go see our room." hyunsoo said, scolding the elder.

jian looked at hyunsoo, sticking his tongue out, "you're not the boss of me."

"looks like somebody wants to sleep on the floor." the younger sassed, crossing his arms.

"on second thought." jian then jumped down from xun's arms, walking over to hyunsoo and hugging on him.

"ay, shoes off, ji." liena snapped at the younger, earning a pout from the boy who pulled away from hyunsoo to take off his shoes.

"tsch, everyone's just scolding me today, aren't you guys?" the boy said through his pout, "so mean, can't let a kid live."

hyunsoo looked at the boy, furrowing his eyebrows. "you're so dramatic." the younger said, shaking his head.

jian let out a gasp, turning his attention to hyunsoo and putting his hands on his hips, "i'm dramatic?" the boy asked, "you're the one who endlessly pouted until i let you win in uno, and wouldn't stop whining on how i was cheating!"

the younger stared at jian, nodding his head, "okay, drama queen."

jian scoffed at the younger, "you're sleeping on the floor now."

"nobody's sleeping on the floor." luli shook her head, "you're both sleeping on the same bed."

"but if hyunsoo ends up on the floor, it wasn't me." jian said, raising his arms in defense.

hyunsoo shook his head, turning to liena, "can you show us our room, please?"

the girl nodded, taking the two boys upstairs. xun then turned to luli, shaking his head, "bro, if they were older, i swear they would j-"

"nope, don't wanna hear it." luli cut the boy off, heading to the living room, "do not wanna hear that about my ten year old brother and his crush."

"i didn't even get to say what i wanted to say." xun pouted, following the girl.

"oh, trust me, i know what you were gonna say." the girl shook her head, "trust me, i know xun, i know."

7:30 pm

liena showed the two boys the room they'll be staying in the next two days, as she then left them to unpack their bags, closing the door behind her.

"i call this side of the bed." hyunsoo told jian, who then started whining.

"no, i want that side of the bed." the elder said through his whines.

"you're being such a big baby." hyunsoo pointed out, getting off the bed and walking over to jian, squishing his face within his hands, "why so whiny?"

"i'm not whiny." jian disagreed, shaking his head.

"you were just whining." hyunsoo said, letting go of jian's face, "whiny baby."

"you're a whiny baby." jian mumbled, puffing out his bottom lip.

the younger giggled at the boy, which turned into him cooing, "you're so cute, ji."

jian shook his head once more, crossing his arms over his chest, "you're cuter."

hyunsoo continued to giggle, as he walked back to the bed and sat on top of it, kicking his legs at the end of the bed, "what's with you being pouty?" the boy questioned, "typically it's me who pouts between us both." he then paused, looking at jian, "does someone want attention?"

"maybe." jian whispered out, "there's a chance."

hyunsoo smiled at the boy, moving closer to the top of the bed and tapping the space next to him. jian crawled on top of the bed, laying down next to hyunsoo. the younger sat up, moving to lay on top of jian. the elder groaned out at the sudden weight, being shocked by it. hyunsoo laughed at the boy, laying his head on his shoulder and kissing jian's cheek as he put an arm behind jian's neck, "my attention is all yours, whiny baby."

jian hummed out, wrapping his arms around hyunsoo's waist, "play with my hair, please."

"as you wish, my prince." hyunsoo giggled, moving his free hand to jian's hair and running his fingers through the boy's locks.

jian relaxed at hyunsoo's touch, closing his eyes and letting the younger play with his hair. hyunsoo kissed jian's cheek once more, as he continued to run his fingers through the elder's hair. eventually, jian ended up falling asleep. the elder became so peaceful and relaxed by hyunsoo's touch, that he couldn't help but fall asleep. once hyunsoo noticed jian was sleeping, the younger went to get off jian, just to grab the two a blanket. however, when hyunsoo tried sitting up, jian let out a whine and pulled him back down.

"ji, i wanna get us a blanket." he explained in a quiet tone.

"you're my blanket." jian mumbled out, half awake.

"but what about me? what if i get cold?" hyunsoo asked.

the elder opened his eyes and took an arm off of hyunsoo, pulling at the side of the bed and lifting the cover, moving it onto them both. jian then wrapped his arm back around hyunsoo, kissing the boy's forehead, "goodnight, cutie." he said, closing his eyes once again and slowly returning back to sleep.

"goodnight, ji." hyunsoo whispered, moving his hand from the boy's hair and placing it on top of the boy's chest. the younger then fell asleep in jian's arms, cuddling against the boy as they peacefully slept in each other's arms.

authors note:
perhaps jian = baybie

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