"Oh my God. Baby don't you see, I got everything you need"
"Jimin! Hold up!" You shouted to the boy who was heading to the training halls. Hesitantly, he decided to stop and waited for you to catch up to him.
"I'm so... sorry... I didn't know" you said inbetween breaths.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left like that, I'm just still not over the fact that I didn't get accepted..." he said while placing his hand on the back of his neck, looking at you apologetically.
"That's not a reason to be sorry, it's normal what you're going through. Plus, Eros is just as good in my opinion. I mean it really feels like everyone is family here" you watched as he smiled sadly after your speech.
"Thanks, but I'll still need time to get back to my old self" feeling sympathetic for the younger hero, you thought on how you could cheer him up.
"... wait! What about I help you improve with your powers?" Jimin quirked a brow up, confused at your offer.
"What do you mean?"
"I can give you one to one help with whatever you're having trouble with!" You tried to persuade the twenty three year old in to accepting your offer.
"... really? You would do that?"
"Of course! It's my job after all" you said while pointing at your company's logo on your shirt. Jimin's expression changed in to a joyful one, feeling hopeful that someone was going to finally help him.
"Thank you! I don't know how to repay you..."
"You don't need to, it's my job remember?" And with that, the bell rang - signalling for everyone to either head back to their dorms or to start their night training.
"Well that's me. I regret not finishing my food, I won't have enough energy for tonight"
"You do night training?" You asked amazed, knowing that not many partook in the night as it was much more difficult.
"Well I do both, since I need all the training I can get"
"Wait- what? Both?! When do you have time to sleep?!" You knew that both training shifts were at least eight hours long, meaning that if Jimin did both, then he would only have eight hours to rest maximum.
"Hehe, I don't get tired like everyone else. Since I control lightning I have more energy than most" thankfully, you were able to understand without having to stress about his time schedule.
"Ahh, I see. Lucky you, then!" Nodding his thanks, he waved good bye to you after seeing the time and jogged over to one of the training halls. You also looked at the time and saw that it was 6:35PM, end of dinner and time for you to get a good night's rest. After heading over to the elevators and getting on, you recieved a text.
hey! Why aren't you here?You:
at Athena?You:
oh I'm not there anymore. I transferred to Eros after lunchSehun:
oh yeah you're on the Nightingale program. Too bad, I needed to talk to you about something
Getting off the lift after reaching your floor, you made your way over to your dorm down the hallway while making sure to be careful where you walk.
what was it you needed to talk about?Sehun: it's not that important, I'll just tell you when I next see you👌
if you say so
Walking in to your room, you remembered about your unpacked suitcase and decided to deal with it now rather than later.
As you unpacked, you remembered what Sehun said, wondering what he had wanted to say. You then started to remember the old days when you, Sehun and other friends were in a hero group in the academy.
You were all pretty popular, passing all of your exams and getting extremely high scores on team work.
Your group was nearly unbeatable; with Sehun who was smart and his power of never missing a shot, G-Dragon with his immense strength and his power to breathe fire, Hyori who was the boys' favourite had the power to seduce people in to a love spell and then there was Taemin and you, the healing duo with the bonus of you enhancing everyone's powers too.
You made friends first with Taemin as you two had very similar powers and already had similar interests. After he got to know you more, he wanted to introduce you to his group of friends and that was how you knew the others. Not long after did you all decide to make a hero group with you included.
"Should we have matching hero uniforms?"
"Ew no, I want to be unique and for people to recognise me" Hyori disagreed with GDragon.
"What about we have a logo?"
"This isn't the problem guys, I asked if anyone had a name in mind for the group?" Sehun interjected once more, annoyed that the group was getting side tracked.
"Who died and made you the leader?" The other two retaliated before high fiving each other at the synchronisation.
"Sehun's right guys, we need a name to submit in" Taemin added, backing up the youngest of the group.
"Ugh, we just said. We don't know" the shoulder length haired girl rolled her eyes as she repeated herself once more.
"What about you, Y/N? Got any ideas?" You looked at everyone nervously, as you did have one in mind.
"... how about the 'Protectors'?"
"Ew, that's cancelled"
"Actually that's not bad, Y/N" Taemin supported while patting you on your back. The twenty four year old female changed her expression once she saw that Taemin had agreed with you.
"Actually, now that I think about it. It does roll off the tongue nicely" Taemin smiled at Hyori in thanks before she looked away, blushing.
"Yeah it's whatever. I don't really care about the name to be honest, I just want matching hero uniforms" Ji-Yong shrugged as he continued to draw out the uniforms on the lunch tables.
"Okay, it's settled then. 'The Protectors' it is" you smiled, happy to know that you were a step closer to becoming a hero. Only, at that time you didn't expect what was going to completely ruin your chances at being the hero you wanted to be.

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...