killi killi

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"The instant connection,
We know the feeling"


"You could have pretended!" This made the usually stoic hero chuckle a little, calming down at the sight of you and Jungkook before returning to his serious demeanor.

"We need to take her away from here. The villains know where she is now" averting his attention to the giant as he remembered him being the one who broke your arm.

"And you, why are you helping?" The blue haired giant didn't know what to say as he didn't think it would be this soon in trying to persuade someone.

"I persuaded him to join our side. I'm sure I got brownie points for that, right?" Jungkook spoke before being let down on to the ground. Rolling his eyes at the younger, Namjoon decided to let it go for now as there was no time in lecturing the troublesome hero.

"We'll talk later and you- what's your name?"


"Taehyung, make sure to not let go of her" nodding his head determinedly, the blue haired male held you with two hands and made sure to keep you close to him.

--------------------5 hours later------------------

"Mum! Dad! Where are you?!" You screamed as you tried to get through the dark forest. The trees looked as if they were closing in on you and the light on the other side of the forest got smaller and smaller.

"Someone! Help!" Curling in to a ball, you felt your heart pace quicken as well as your breathing becoming difficult.

"Y/N!" Looking up, you saw a dark silhouette making it's way towards you. the light behind the human like shape made it difficult to see who was coming at you and you had yet to feel safe.

As they got closer, you realised it was young boy with short hair running towards you.

However, you could not see their face as it was completely blanked out.
After reaching you, they wrapped their arms around you, one at the bottom of your back and the other on your head. You were still scared as you saw the trees getting even closer, making you hold on tightly to the boy.
Suddenly, you heard the familiar words of your mother's lullaby fill your ears, but it wasn't the sound of your mother's voice but a child's voice.

"There's a light, there's the sun, taking all shattered ones.To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all~" the boy hummed the rest of the song until he felt you calm down significantly.

After finally calming down, you looked up to see who was the one singing and your eyes widen at who it was.

"Why didn't you save me?! I called out your name!"


"Why didn't you try harder?!"

"AH!" You yelled before sitting up, covered in sweat and your breathing out of pattern.

"Y/N! Calm down!" Jimin exclaimed as he grabbed your shoulders to make you look at him. Looking around, you realised that you were in the infirmary belonging to Nightingale where you had your physical health checks.

"W-why am I here? What happened?" You tried to go through your memories. I was in Zeus with Myunghee... Namjoon came in... nurse gave me a shot...

"MYUNGHEE! WHERE IS SHE?!" You shouted as you remembered how she became a victim of the drug too.

"Shhh, calm down. She is alright, if you take a minute to get yourself together, I'll tell you what happened" knowing that your best friend was okay, you relaxed slightly and tried to control your breathing.

"Okay... I'm ready" Jimin sat back down on his chair that was next to your hospital bed before continuing on.

"You were drugged to sleep by the enemy who were trying to kidnap you. Lucky you, I noticed you get taken away before it was too late and the mentors fought the villains. Namjoon couldn't reach to you in time but the blue haired guy from before saved you... along with Jungkook" smiling widely after finding out that Jungkook saved you, you grabbed Jimin's shoulder before asking him a question.

"Jungkook came back?!" Building up the adrenaline, the pink haired hero grinned before nodding his head excitedly.

"He's a little injured but he'll be just fine by tomorrow!"

"I have to go see him! Take me to him-" the boy stopped you from moving any further and you noticed his expression changed.

"You can't, that drug knocked you out for 5 hours. Also, he's at the hero council with the others to tell them what happened" sitting back down, you sighed in defeat that you wouldn't be able to see him with your own eyes any time soon.

"...wait, did they find out how the 'Phantom' guy knew me? And why he wants me?" You tried to think of anyone who would know you and would want to take you to the villains' side.

"They got nothing. To be honest, they're more concerned about how to handle the press. They're all outside the hero council's headquarters as well as Zeus, trying to find out what happened" Jimin was thankful he had left in time as he didn't want to get seen by the press for the first time and get questioned about how he did nothing.

"Oh... they must be really stressed" suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Jimin walked over after standing up to check who it was.

"Oh, come in" the Eros hero let in the male that you knew as Mr. Kang.

"Y/N! You're awake!"

"Mr. Kang! I never knew I'd say this but I'm so happy to see you!" This made you both chuckle before you waved goodbye to Jimin who decided to leave you two alone.

"... I heard what had happened. You had a very rough day"

"I'm okay, knowing that Jungkook and Myunghee are alright is all that matters to me right now" you explained while smiling to yourself, finally being able to rest your uneasy heart.

"That's good to hear. For your arm, we will pay the extra fees for healing and you'll still get paid for the month" Mr. Kang offered after sitting down on the chair that Jimin was sitting on before.

"Thank you, Mr. Kang. I'll get better soon so don't worry" you reassured.

"I should hope so! Plus, you should be thanking the hero council. They're the ones who made it happen, not to mention the high level security you have outside"

"Hero council? Security?" You were confused as to what he was talking about and urged him to explain.

"The hero council has gathered that the leader of the enemy knows you and wants you in his possession. The reason why? they don't know" he explained before sighing.

"Anyway, you must be wanting some alone time to think. I'll leave you to it and I'll see you tomorrow morning" he said after glancing at his watch and seeing that it was 8pm.

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow" you watched as he left after giving you one last goodbye.

"... so much has happened... and it's only January!"
E/N: Have a good day everyone ♡
-c. Chicken and Anna

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