Save me

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"I was tired of praying to a God, a God that wouldn't save me"

- Tru Concept


It was now Sunday, the day that you were supposed to go back to Athena.

But obviously, a certain troublesome boy had ruined your schedule as you became his babysitter for the week coming.

"I'm actually kind of excited now" the mentioned boy beamed as he stuffed the rice in his mouth.

"Eat slowly or you'll choke!" You warned before pouring him a glass of water and passing it to him to which he happily accepted.

"Sorry, it's just that we're leaving tonight!"

"Didn't you not like the idea of boot camp?" You reminded him.

"Well, that was before I knew I wasn't going alone" he answered with a toothy smile.

"Don't try to flatter me, you know that I hated going from the beginning" glaring at him while placing some of your vegetables from your plate to his.

It was normal for you now ,to give him more food at lunch and dinner, knowing that he needed the energy to train harder. He chuckled at your response while eating what you've placed on his tray.

"Y/N, do you think we would have been friends if you didn't get forced to babysit me?" Jungkook tried to look calm and collected about it but secretly, he was very anxious at how you would answer.

"To be honest, no. You're too obnoxious and annoying for me to hang around with" this made the other sulk slightly, thinking that you didn't like him the way he thought you did.

"But, I don't regret meeting you and being friends now. Everything happens for a reason and this time, it was for a good reason. Don't you think?" You placed a spoonful of rice in your mouth while watching Jungkook's expression.

"How was it for a good reason?"

"Well, I got to know the real you and turns out, you're not so bad" you smiled while sticking a thumbs up at him which only made him look away in embarrassment.


"Aww, see? The Jungkook from a week ago would never have said thank you"

"Shut up!"

"Ah nevermind, you haven't changed" you both laughed before hearing the bell signalling the end of lunch.

"I'm going to go pack. I'll see you at the building's entrance?" You nodded in response to the brunette and watched him run off to drop off his tray and head to his room to pack. You too went to drop off your tray and headed to the training hall to pack your equipment that you need to take to boot camp.

You thought how this would have been a great opportunity to meet up with Sehun but unfortunately, he hadn't been answering his phone at all for the past few days. You didn't have the other numbers of the Protectors so you didn't have any other way of contacting him.

Suddenly, your phone started to vibrate, signalling someone was calling.

"Guess what today is~"

"The day you realise that you have no chance with Yoongi?" You joked to your best friend.

"No silly~ it's the day I'm going to meet Yoongi!" Myunghee squealed through the phone.

"Have you even packed yet?"

"... I'll call you back" and with that, she ended the call which made you laugh at the careless girl.

-------------------3 hours later-------------------

You stood by the entrance with your luggage, soundboard in it's case and wearing your large white coat. You had only just arrived and you decided that while you wait you would message Sehun once more.

You: Sehun?

You: are you there?

You: I just wanted to know if you're okay

"Who are you messaging?"

"Oh my- Jungkook!" You exclaimed before putting your phone away.

"Looks like you're ready to go" he pointed out after inspecting your luggage. You also took a good look at him and saw that he had brought a silver suitcase with the company's logo displayed on the front. He also wore a large yellow winter coat which suited him well.

Suddenly, everyone else who was waiting alongside the two of you saw the coach drive up to the company. You watched as everyone gathered their stuff and made their way out in to the snow covered front.

"Here let me get that" the young hero offered while grabbing your soundboard off your back.

"Oh, well can you carry my hand bag- hey! Such a rude kid" Jungkook chose to ignore his trainer, who was passing by at the time, as he dragged his suitcase and carried your soundboard outside.

"How did you get him to change like that? He treats you with more respect than he does to me" the middle aged woman whined.

"I took him to Protein world" she chuckled in response before stepping out into the cold evening air beside you.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. ^.^

- c.chicken and Anna

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