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"I don't know where the lights are taking us
But something in the night is dangerous"

- David Guetta


"Y/N! You're okay!"

"I won't be if you don't let go!" You threatened as you got squeezed by Sana's long hair that was wrapped around your torso and constraining your arms.

"Oh right! Sorry!" Finally she had let go of you and you stretched to soothe your aching arms.

"You're lucky that I'm in a good mood" you warned before going around the lunch table to sit back in front of Sana who was across the table from you and sitting beside Taeyong.

"Sana is also lucky that Jungkook isn't here too..." Taeyong muttered before taking a bite of his vegetarian burger.

"What was that?" You asked while grabbing your utensils.


"Anyway, how is Eros? Busy with the festival preparations?" The Zeus heroine asked while leaning closer to you.

"Of course, do you even need to ask?" You responded. After meeting up with Jungkook and being properly introduced to his little cousin, you joined the brunette to lunch and there you met the duo.

"I'm just curious about the festival is all..."

"I'm not" Jungkook's voice filled everyone's ears which made you guys look to your left to see him place his tray down and sit beside you.

"Err, why? It's the most famous festival in the whole country" Sana argued before slurping her noodles up.

"I don't care if it's the most famous in the world, I've never been because it looked boring" avoiding eye contact, the brunette began to eat his meal with a straight face.

"Wait, you've never been? What about as a family day out when you were little or as a school trip?" Taeyong asked this time, knowing that him and his huge family would always go to the festival as it was a nice day out for the kids.

You noticed Jungkook's jaw harden as well as his knuckles becoming white while trying to hold his fork.

"Jungkook? What's the matter-" you were cut off with his tray being thrown in to the air and landing on the floor beside him, attracting everyone in the lunch hall's attention as he did so.

Confused and scared, you tried to understand his behaviour until you remembered about when he told you about his past. Something must have happened when he was little...

"Jungkook, let's get you out of here..." standing up, you gently grabbed his arm and started to guide him out. Before you could leave the duo, you turned your head and mouthed them to sort out the people staring.

"Nothing to see here, carry on with your business." Sana exclaimed which then made everyone look away and whisper to each other.

After making your way out, Jungkook immediately leaned against the wall and slid down until he reached the floor where he faced the ceiling with his eyes closed.

Deciding to get him bottled water from the vending machine two steps away, you returned to where he was and sat beside him while handing the hero the bottle.


"... Did you know I've never had a birthday party before?" Confused on where this was heading, Jungkook shook his head in response and urged you to carry on.

"I didn't stay in one place long enough to make friendships that would last so that meant there was no point in having a party with people that I wouldn't see anymore"

"Why didn't you stay long enough?" Turning your head to face him, you carried on your story.

"My mum's job needed her to go to different places a lot so obviously I had to go with her"

"Oh... must have been annoying" you chuckled slightly at his response.

"It was, until I persuaded my parents to let me stay with Myunghee for the rest of high school" Jungkook now understood how you and Myunghee were such good friends.

"... to tell you the truth, I would always go every year with my parents when I was really small but after my dad died I thought he might have been there. I was a kid so I didn't understand what death was so I always thought he was alive somewhere but my mother never took me there again.

Clearly, the place reminded her too much of dad so she never went there again. That was until Seonghwa and his dad entered her life and every year for Seonghwa's birthday they would take him to see the flowers. I knew for sure back then that she had completely forgotten about dad... and her own son" your heart ached at his expression, not knowing that he was hurting all this time.

"...Why did you become a hero?" This question was probably the most asked for heroes. And every response, was as unique as the hero answering them.

"...why should I be waiting for someone to save me when I can save myself"

"Well now that you're a hero, Jungkook," you stood up before fixing your clothes.

"-are you able to save yourself?" Looking up at you, Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion at your words, wondering what you had meant by it.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you feel like you can save yourself now? Because I think your past is what's holding you back from doing so" suddenly, the ringing sound of lunch ending filled the hallways which signalled for everyone to get ready for their next training.

"I'll see you later" you gave a tight smile before walking to one of the training halls where hopefully, Jungkook would join you. I hope he overcomes his past... and soon.


E/n: Have a great day readers ♥

-c.chicken and Anna

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