My Name

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'My Name' was actually the original name for this book but I changed it because the story I was writing was about everyone and not just the reader (you) so that's why it's called 'Who We Are'!

This isn't like a notice or like an important update, I just thought it would be cool if I listed fun facts about the story that I changed.

For example, Yoongi's original powers were controlling 'drones' and 'robots' because that was a cool concept on it's own (and in the Dope mv I think he was surrounded by drones? I think that's why I thought of it).

But I changed it because it wouldn't make sense with his character story so that's why its mind controlling.

I also made a book cover with him as the main character because his past is probably my favourite along with Namjoon's (even though you haven't been told yet 😭)

You'll see why it's my favourite 👀

Anyway, I'll list facts about the story down below⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Anyway, I'll list facts about the story down below⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

1. Jin was actually supposed to be a wind manipulator but I didn't want too many elemental users in the story so I gave him half an elemental. I sort of hinted at what his powers could have been in one of the flashbacks when Jin was jealous of the wind😶

2. I wanted to keep V as the villain for a lot longer but then he would have joined the story a lot later. I'm sorry for being impatient 🥺

3.  Namjoon's power was supposed to be Earth but I felt like he would be a lot 'cooler' if he had ice powers... ok I'm sorry I had to say it 😭

4. V was actually supposed to have powers that changed his appearance to look like someone else. But I felt like that it limited what he could do, thinking that he could be really good at spy missions and not so much in battling.

5. JUNGKOOK HAVING SEONGHWA AS HIS STEP BROTHER WAS A LAST MINUTE THING. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. But, I felt like he needed someone to help him develop as a character.

6. Jimin's past is probably the most confusing but most interesting! It wasn't like that in the beginning and I wanted his character to be simple but I guess not🤷🏻‍♀️

7. JHOPE WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A GIANT ASS HAMMER. Like it would be tiny but when he used it, it would be this huge hammer that creates destruction! But then I thought him being lucky would fit him much more.

8. Your powers were actually supposed to activate when someone sang along to your melody but then I thought that it would be a hassle to sing and fight at the same time 🤣

9. The story wasn't supposed to be a sad one but more of a friendship making kind of story. That was when I realised that it would be cooler if each character had a cool back story.

And that's all the major changes I made!

Tell me if the changes were a good or bad change?


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