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"If you leave me then I'll be afraid of everything"

- The Neighbourhood


--------------------5 years ago---------------------

"Another date?"

"Yeah, with another stuck up girl with a dad that's super rich" an eighteen year old Taehyung snickered out.

"Why do you even go? You always get rejected" his friend from the neighbourhood asked.

"Because if I don't, my family will stay poor" it was late at night and Taehyung had managed to sneak out to sit and talk with his friends.

He lived in a rough neighbourhood with rough people, one that he wasn't used to at all. When he moved earlier this year, the neighbourhood gang already had their eyes on the 'new guy' and to keep their illegal behaviours a secret, they planned to beat him up and show him what kind of people they were.

The whole neighbourhood knew about them, but if anyone asked about them then no one knew them.

That was the rule.

And not long after they moved in, they made sure that rule was in Taehyung's mind.

After a few months of becoming their new found pet, Taehyung was slowly becoming one of them while they slowly trusted him. He came along to robberies, selling drugs, gang fights, night clubs and much more.

His parents never found out as they were too busy trying to get used to their new life style while also juggling many jobs.

After his father lost his job, everything went down hill for Taehyung and his family.

"Where are you finding these rich girls? It's not like they come by our neighbourhood or the local night club" the group of men laughed, making the abandoned house shake slightly at the volume.

"I guess God is sending me a message- or my guardian angels" he joked while trying to sway away from the subject, not wanting them to know the truth behind how he knew these girls.

"If only angels were real- which reminds me. Are you ready to get your wings tattoo tomorrow? Not nervous, are we?" Another member teased while pushing Taehyung slightly.

"Nervous? Pfft, you wish"


"Nice tattoo" Jungkook pointed out while changing in to his sleep wear after getting out of the men public showers.

Taehyung looked down at his right shoulder to see a pair of black wings tattooed on him, making him remember the day he got it.

"...I need to get rid of it" slamming his locker shut, the blue haired hero quickly put on his white shirt before leaving the locker room and head to his dorm.

"...what's up with him?"


E/n: We hope you enjoyed the chapter♡

-c.chicken and Anna

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