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"In youth you'd lay
Awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change
But it was just a dream"

- Imagine dragons


"Ugh, I can't smell anything anymoooooore. Tell me Jimin, does the end of winter smell nice?" 

"It just smells damp, you're not missing out" he chuckled while watching you rub your eyes and nose from the itchiness.

"I hate when seasons change, that's when my hayfever kicks... in- ACHOO!" you regretted finishing the medication that Namjoon gave you so quickly and now that you were heading over to Eros, you were going to definitely need it more.

"Look away when you sneeze" you looked at him in disbelief, seeing that his views on you were changing just because you were sick.

"I'm a hero, I can't get sick- especially if the Azalea festival is just around the corner" you continued to glare at him before allowing a sigh to escape your lips.

"I get it, I get it. Watch, everyone is going to avoid me now because I'm sick" you stood up from your chair and sat on the next seat of the coach so that there was a chair between the two of you.

"Isn't that a good thing? Jin won't bother you now and Jhope won't scare you as well" 

"...I guess I could be sick for just a little while longer" you muttered before hearing the other chuckle. As that was said, the coach rolled up to the Eros building and allowed the passengers to get off. 

You and Jimin weren't the only ones on the coach as some of the marketing team from Athena needed to come along anyway for the Azalea festival meetings. 

Taehyung and Jungkook were still at Athena, getting trained by the elemental user who was making sure to keep an eye on them as well.

"Here let me help" the lightning user requested while carrying your soundboard.

"Thanks" once you stepped out of the coach, your eyes were immediately drawn to the bright colours of the banners surrounding the company building. They were all promoting the upcoming festival and made sure that everyone knew that.

"Woah, this is more than last year's" 

"Apparently, this year's festival is going to be the best one yet" raising your brows in surprise, you were intrigued as to what Eros had installed for everyone.

"Why? What have they changed?" You asked excitedly.

"Like I'm going to tell you... Y/N no! Don't run to Myunghee!" You ignored his shouts as you quickly made your way past the banners and inside the nature filled building. The plants and flowers were now more alive than the last you saw them, seeing that spring was nearing, you weren't surprised.

Since it was around lunch time, everyone was on their lunch break and not much staff were on duty.

"Y/N! The doctor said to not over exert yourself, remember?" Jimin had finally caught up to you and you could tell that he was genuinely concerned about your health.

"I'm alright, it's been a week anyway since my last treatment" you reminded him. He was still unconvinced by your attempt to reassure him and decided to let it go for now.

"Just don't do anything crazy- Jhope!" You watched as the other waved at something behind you which after turning you realised it was Hoseok. The red haired male smiled at the sight of both of before walking over to where you two were while holding loads of files in his arms.

"Jimin! Y/N! I see guys have arrived safely- how is your arm?" He remembered about your accident and how he was extremely worried for you once he had heard about it from the pink haired hero.

"My arm is good enough for me to be back at work, so I'm fine" you explained while stretching your arm to add proof to your words.

"I can see, nice to see you back. Anyway, I'll catch you guys later" saluting the both of you goodbye and showing one more joy filled smile, he started making his way to human resources.

"I wonder what those files are for" 

"I guess they're the petitions from everyone" confused, you looked back at the Eros hero and gestured for him to explain.

"Well, ever since the BlackPink incident, the heroes have been on edge thinking that the company are trying to hide something from them. So, everyone is petitioning for the company to explain themselves"

"Yikes, all this before the festival... must not be good energy for everyone" you worried that the festival might get affected by this.

"Pfft, have you forgotten what kind of people we are?" You watched as Jimin cleared his throat and you knew what he was about to do.

"Jimin, don't you dare-"

"EROS IS THE GOD OF WHAT?" suddenly, the noise of people stampeding out on the balconies and out of their offices filled the atrium before they all yelled back.

"THE GOD OF LOVE" you covered your ears as they cheered and whistled, clearly having a good time and not what you were expecting.

"I should have known, you guys never get stressed" you watched as Jimin waved at everyone with a wide grin on his face which in turn also made you smile. 

The lightning user wasn't himself for the past week and it concerned you as he refused to tell you why. But now that he was back in Eros, the most loving company in all of South Korea, he could become himself again.

"Alright alright, we get it. You guys love each other, now let's go" you chuckled out while dragging Jimin away from the crowd along with your luggage.

"Don't underestimate us again"

"Oh don't worry. I want functional ears, thank you"


E/n: Thanks for reading~

Take care ♡

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