Dancing with your ghost

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"I gotta move on
But it hurts to try"

- Sasha Sloan


You stood in front of the mirror with two different outfits on either side of you as you compared both to each other.

"... I'm way over thinking this, I'm going to be late at this rate" you picked the one in your right hand as you thought the calm colours will be safe instead of the bright coloured outfit on your left.

After changing in to the destined outfit, you looked in the mirror once more.

You had decided to go with the black turtle neck with black jeans to match along with a biege winter coat to go over.


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"Okay... I guess I should go now" coincidentally, your phone buzzed on the desk, signalling someone had messaged you.

I'm ready by the entrance

You didn't know why, but you had a weird feeling about tonight's 'dinner'. It seemed too out of the blue and strange enough that the hard headed hero even invited you to go with him.

Your thoughts were busy as you left your room and made sure to close the door behind you, that you didn't notice someone staring at you over by the stairs.

The person continued to watch you, taken aback at your outfit as he had never seen you in such clothes other than your work uniform.

You were about to walk past him when he suddenly grabbed your hand made you look at him.

"Hm? Oh, hey Jungkook. Didn't see you there" you explained, finally out of your daze state.

"No problem, it seems like you're tired. Where are you heading off to anyway? Shouldn't everyone be heading to their rooms now?" Throughout his questions, he continued to check you out, genuinely thinking that you were cute in your outfit.

"Oh, I'm going out to dinner"

"Oh... on your own?"

"Pfft, of course not. Who do you take me for?" You laughed as he too smiled back at you before stuffing his hands in his jogging bottoms' pockets.

"Going with that weird trainer from Eros?"

"She's not- okay she may be a little weird but she has a name! And no, it's not her..." you tried to sway away from the subject by walking past him and down the stairs.

"Wha- hey! Wait a second, who are you going with then?" He ran down while trying not to fall as he followed you diligently.

You could hear his foot steps nearing you as you finally made it to ground floor and saw Namjoon waiting by the double doors.

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