This is America, i guess

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"I'm so cold like yeah, I'm so dope like yeah, we gon' blow like yeah"

- Childish Gambino


The rest of the day went by as usual in the Eros building. Heroes receiving missions, training, eating and other important tasks.

You managed to make it through the day and right now, everyone was heading over to have their dinner before getting ready for bed or starting their night training.

"So how is it being back?"

"I'm jumping for joy!" You said sarcastically, still not being able to recover from your lack of sleep last night and knowing fully well another party was brewing up tonight once more.

"Well can you at least act like it? You're in front of your clients, you know!" Myunghee jokingly reminded you, trying to get your energy back.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired. I'll buy an energy drink or something to wake me up, especially since I have to do the night training as well tonight" the company did offer you working the night shift for extra pay if you wanted.

Thinking how you needed the money to pay back your academy fees, you immediately agreed to do it. Ignoring the fact that you would lose sleep while doing so, you knew it would be worth it.

"If it makes you feel better, I also have to do my night shift tonight. They said that since I know the new recruits, I should probably stick with them throughout the term" she groaned, remembering the disaster training session she had today.

"Are they improving?"

"Loads of them turned up with a hangover. If they can't handle their alcohol, then how on Eros' earth are they going to handle me?" You watched as Myunghee grabbed her fork in anger, almost feeling sorry for the cutlery.

"Let's make a deal. I'll help you out at the night shifts if you swap dorms with me" you knew that your best friend had worked hard to get that room since it was the furthest away from all the people who were known to party all the time.

"What? Noooo, please! Anything but my room" she begged, enlarging her round eyes into puppy dog ones.

"Take it or leave it"

"Ugh, fine! This better not be a regular thing"

"No promises~" you teased as she glared right at you with her dark eyes. While the two of you continued to nag at each other, you saw the coloured haired trio make their way over to your dinner table and made themselves comfortable with you guys.

"Good day?" Jin asked the both of you, not really curious but asked as a conversation starter.

"Actually, it-"

"Save it. I don't actually care, now tell us about the gossip" he interrupted while leaning on his hand with his elbow on the table.

"Fine! Since all you care about is if Namjoon is doing good or not, he's doing great! He just added a new ability to his list and Yoongi got recognised by the Protectors, happy?" You rushed out all in one breath, wanting to get it over and done with.

"Is Jaeho still a scaredy cat?"


"I guess he still is. Anyway, of course that elemental learnt a new ability, what's new? And Yoongi getting recognised by the Protectors? Do elaborate" not only the purple haired wanted to know, the rest of the table was now fully listening in.

"Sehun came by for the health examination and recognised Yoongi because apparently he's good in his missions"

"Oh wait, he was the one who took down the last of the gangs right? The ones who had weird shrines in their hideouts?" Hoseok spoke up, remembering the news last week about the strange gangs popping up around the country.

"Yeah, apparently they're trying to find their leader. The one they call 'Phantom'" you continued.

"To be honest, I think they're delusional. The hospitals all said they were under the influence of drugs so that's not surprising to make someone up" Myunghee said, adding her opinions.

"What about you guys? Went on any missions the past week?" You asked, curious at the villain activities going on within the country.

"Only one, Zeus has been getting all the jobs recently. Plus, there's not that many natural disasters at the moment for us to get requests" Jin answered solemnly, wanting to go out and help people.

The plant manipulator was in a hero group with Hoseok and Irene who were mostly in charge of the inner city villain activities.

"I really want to start going on missions..." Jimin mumbled, picking at his peas as he got slightly annoyed hearing the others talk about missions. You then remembered your promise to the unprepared hero.

"Hey, I'm helping out the new recruits in night training with Myunghee tonight. Maybe we can have that one to one training I offered?" This immediately changed the pink haired hero's expression to a lighter one, smiling at you before quickly eating his food.

"You're on night shift? Ha, good luck" Jin mocked you while standing up with his tray, finished with his meal.

"Screw you!"

"Well, if it isn't the time. I've got a party to get to, bye guys!" And with that, Hoseok also left with his tray, leaving you, Myunghee and Jimin on the table.

"... shall we head over soon? I need to prepare the hall for night training" the twenty four year old complained.

"Yeah! The sooner we get started, the sooner I can go on missions!" Jimin exclaimed before finished that last of his dinner and rushing to take his tray back.

"He's so cute"

"Isn't he just?"


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