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"When the bell hits twelve, I'll swing"

- Unlikely Candidates


It was finally Friday at the Zeus incorporation.

It has also been 4 days since you've seen Jungkook and your worries only grew each day for him.

Taehyung was more concerned about his hero career and making the others trust him than to be worried about Jungkook. Although, he did miss his antics from time to time.

"Y/N?" You finally looked up from your phone to see Mr. Bang's secretary call you from his boss's office.

"Yes, I'll be right there" the secretary nodded before leaving the door open for you. You looked back at your phone and contemplated whether to call Jungkook or not. Deciding to continue your thoughts later, you put away your phone back in your pocket before standing up and walking over to the CEO's office.


"Ah, Y/N! Good to see you again" the small male gleamed as soon as he saw your face.

However, it wasn't just the both of you in the room.


"Hey!" His usual wide grin appeared once more as he also took in the sight of you.

"We just had a meeting and he's heading back to the Protectors" Mr. Bang explained before gesturing you to sit in the chair beside the healer.

"Right! I need to go, the others might be looking for me. It was nice to see you again, Y/N" on your way to the chair, Taemin stepped up and went over to hug you goodbye to which you happily hugged back.

"You too, stay out of trouble"

"Of course! I'm probably the only sane one in the group... don't tell the others I said that" laughing at his comment, you let go of him before gesturing for him to hurry on along.

"Didn't you say you were in a hurry?"

"Right! Bye, Y/N! Bye, Mr. Bang!" And just like the wind, he was gone.

"What a bright boy... anyway, shall we start our meeting?" Realising that you had waited for ages for this meeting, you immediately sat down and waited for the other to sit down on his office chair.

You remembered on Monday to make sure to see Mr. Bang before you had to leave for the festival but after the whole Phantom incident, he was still very much busy.

"I'm afraid we will need to make this meeting a short one, I need to fly over to Germany later for a business proposal" he stated while looking at his expensive wrist watch.

"That's okay! I just wanted to talk to you about Sehun..." his eyes immediately met yours, becoming serious at the topic at hand.

"Why? What has happened?"

"Well, after you told me that Sehun wasn't being himself and that he had wanted to take me somewhere, I've been trying to confront him about it. But he's been so busy lately, I couldn't even catch him for a minute.

So, when I was called to come to meet the hero council president, Sehun was there. He was normal and not acting out of the ordinary until suddenly, he grabbed my arm and started to drag me somewhere. He wouldn't respond when I asked him to stop and then Namjoon stepped in and stopped him from dragging me somewhere. I have no clue why he was like that but I know it wasn't good..." you explained while recalling what had happened in your mind. It was scary, you never saw his expression change so drastically and his rough actions where unimaginable.

"Hmm, did you say he just suddenly changed? What happened before that?"

"Well, we were talking about how bored I must have been while being in a cast and how worried he was for me. Then I told him that I needed to go soon and that's when he grabbed me" you watched as Mr. Bang continued to think about the information you had given him, swiveling in his chair from left to right.

"... I'll think about it a bit more. I think you should return back to work and just continue as you were. Also, you don't need to be concerned about Sehun anymore" this made your head tilt in confusion.

"'Don't need to be concerned?' What do you mean?" You reminded yourself at how worried the CEO was when he had warned you to be careful of the Athena Protector.

"I need to catch my flight. We will continue our conversation when I'm back" he avoided eye contact as he started to get his stuff together. You noticed the change in his demeanour, making you skeptic of what was happening.

"...then I'll be going back to work"

"You should. Remember, don't stress about it anymore" and with that, he left you in his office while dragging his suitcase behind him and his secretary entered the room in his stead.

"Come right through, Miss" trying to comprehend what had just happened, you came out of your daze and proceeded to leave the room.

On your way back down to where the training halls were, you went through what happened and tried to think why the CEO was like that.

"He knows something..." suddenly, the lift that occupied only you stopped on the boy dorms' floor level and opened the doors for someone to enter. Your eyes drifted to the front where you were met with familiar brown eyes.


"Missed me?" He chuckled before entering the lift along with you. Continuing to stare at him in shock as well as waiting for his next actions, the brunette felt your strong stare before turning his attention your way.

"...What?- OW!" You hit his arm, annoyed that he was acting so normally after his sudden return.

"Why did you go without saying anything?! You know how worried I was?!" Rubbing his arm, his wide grin changed to a frown as he noticed that you were serious this time.

His heart ached at the thought of you being upset with him and without thinking, he reached out to you and pulled you in to his chest.

Surprised, your bodies collided and you felt his arms wrap around your waist.

"I'm sorry,... I just needed to see someone" your brows furrowed in confusion at his peculiar behaviour, this being the first time giving you a hug.

"... how can I stay angry at you now?" Deciding to forget about it, you hugged the taller male back, hoping that he was better than when you last saw him.

The lift finally arrived at ground level before letting the doors to slide open, revealing someone else who was also waiting to enter the lift.

"Err, shall I get the next one?" You turned your head to see Taehyung smirking at the sight of the both of you hugging and in turn, you pushed away a flustered Jungkook.

"No! You can get this one!" Embarrassed, you ran past the blue haired hero and towards the staff room where hopefully no one was there to see your red face.

Jungkook stood still in the lift, his heart racing at the embrace that the both of you had and he could feel his ears heating up.

" are you getting off or...?"

"S-shut up and just get on"


E/n: Keep smiling ♡♡

-c.chicken and Anna

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