Everybody hates me

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"Everyone knows what I look like, not even one of them knows me"

- Chainsmokers


You were surprised at how much sleep you were lucky enough to get. The Christmas holidays made you forget how much Eros really did love to party.

Especially at night.

"Are those bags under your eyes?"

"Touch me and I'll stab you with my fork" you threatened at the Eros trainer who was wearing the same pink uniform from yesterday.

"Woah there, not my fault you forgot to buy earplugs. Here, have my eggs, you'll need the energy" Myunghee offered, trying not to chuckle at your tired face.

"...why are you being nice?"

"What?! Can't a best friend give you her scrambled eggs for you to enjoy?" You gave her a knowing look, seeing right through her obvious act.

"...alright, I've been in charge of the new recruits and-"

"No, you're just like Jaeho" after interrupting the twenty four year old, you stood up and placed your plate in the sink.

"Please! It's been a week and all they've learnt is that we party everyday. I mean, this is supposed to be professional!" The girl complained, eating her breakfast in anger.

"Just do the same as you've always done. I know how scary you can get when you want to be" you remembered how Myunghee was very similar to her mother, and not just in looks and powers.

"Hmph! Whatever, I'll just tell them that only one actually makes it to the company. Scare them a little" she said with an evil glint in her eyes before placing her now empty plate in the sink also and then heading out to start setting up the training halls.

You also decided to go and start up your sound board after seeing that it was five minutes until the day training starts. Picking up your bottled water, you trudged out of the staff room and went to training hall number one. As you yawned and stretched your tired muscles, you felt a pair of hands slap your back.

"Ow! What the-" turning around, you saw that the culprit was the twenty four year old hero with bright red hair.

"Wake up, Y/N! Today is going to be a good day!" Hoseok cheered while doing jumping Jacks.

"Mondays are never good. Also, if you do that again, I will hit you" you threatened once more before opening the double doors leading to the training hall.

"I see you're with us for today" you watched as he already started to stretch his muscles, excited for the day of training.

"Actually, I'm with you all week. Consider yourself 'lucky'" this made the male laugh, understanding the pun.

"Good, because I was hoping you could help Irene out" he pointed at the brunette who was trying to levitate a certain amount of weights but was clearly struggling.

"Still can't get passed the two hundred tonne mark?" The younger hero nodded before going over to the treadmills on the other side of the hall. You figured that now would be the best time to talk to Irene as not that many heroes were here.

Walking over, you watched as she tried to lift the bag of weights with her mind before dropping them, becoming exhausted.

"Hey, Irene" you said softly, trying to scare the girl.

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