"If you want my future, forget my past"
- Spice Girls
"Myunghee! I'm wearing heels!"
"Who was that guy?" She asked without missing a beat after stopping near the entrance.
"Oh don't try and fool me. That handsome guy!" Realising she was talking about Kangjoon, your eyes widened in panic. How am I going to get myself out of this one?!
"...why are your eyes like that?- oh my, don't tell me... is he your secret boyfriend?!" Sighing at her wild imagination, you tried to think of an excuse until one miraculously appeared in your quick witted brain.
"Don't tell anyone but... he's my personal guard. The council sent him to keep an eye on me just in case if any villains come and get me but he said it would be better if his identity remains a secret" you lied naturally, hoping that your best friend wouldn't catch you out.
"I see... don't worry! Your secret is safe with me!" Sighing in relief, you then remembered about how close Myunghee and Yoongu seemed earlier on.
"So, what's the deal with you and Yoongi?" Suddenly, her cheeks reddened at the mentioning of the male's name, making you more curious about the situation at hand.
"This week has been the best thing that has happened to me... I feel like I'm this close to making him completely fall for me~" she explained vaguely while holding her cheeks and swaying side to side. Seeing that it was nothing serious, you flicked her forehead which made her yell in pain.
"Ow! Hey!"
"I thought something worth talking about happened"
"Like what?" Turning your heads, the both of you saw that Kangjoon and Yoongi had made it to where you teo were.
"Nothing! Now, where's that ice cream that you promised to buy me?" Grabbing the defenseless hero, Myunghee lead Yoongi to a nearby ice cream van within the park, leaving you alone with the president.
"...how do you know her?"
"Best friend from high school"
"Oh, she's a friend of choice- hey!" You shoved him slightly, making him chuckle at your annoyed expression.
"Let's just go the picnic area"
"Remember to put on your mask" he reminded you before walking on ahead, wanting to know what new food were they offering today.
Looking at the silver vertical mask in your hand, you quickly placed it on your face before following the hungry president.
Everyone who was attending the festival wore masquerade masks that either covered half their face or all of it. There was no particular theme but most chose to go along with the flower designs to fit the event.
It did make the day seem more mysterious and magical, having heard many stories online about people finding the love of their lives on this special day.
"What are those?" Kangjoon asked as soon as you caught up to him while pointing at the oval shaped food.
"Those are corn dogs. I suggest eating something a little lighter because we just had breakfast- Kangjoon!" Ignoring you, the 24 year old almost skipped his way over to the food truck where there were others also ordering corn dogs. How has he survived this long?! You thought while crossing your arms.
Suddenly, you heard a clearing of a throat behind you, making you glance to the side to see two familiar faces looking guilty and nervous.
"Hey Y/N..." unable to look them in the eyes, especially Jungkook's, you tried to think of a way to avoid the obvious upcoming situation.
"I need to be somewhere-" grabbing your hand, Jungkook stopped you from taking a step away from them but quickly let go of you when he saw your eyes focusing on his hand.
"Sorry... we just really wanted to apologise... especially me" Jungkook's mouth suddenly became dry, unsure of how you would respond or even treat him from now on.
"I had a hand in this too and I regret what I did... I hope you can forgive us but I can understand if you don't want to" Taehyung apologised while trying to get his sincerity across to you.
The two had yet to wear their masks but wished that you would take yours off as they found it difficult to read your hidden expression.
Sighing, you knew that there was no way of escaping it now. You had to choose whether to forgive and forget or to never treat the same as before.
"... what kind of person would I be if I didn't forgive you guys on this nice day" shocked to hear those words come out of your mouth, the two surprised Zeus heroes looked at each other before returning to you.
"Are you being serious right now?!"
"Yes, Tae. I forgive you... and Jungkook?" The brunette's ears perked up at the sound of his name, making him gulp nervously.
"...yes?" Outstretching your hand, you gestured for the younger to shake.
"Since it's the first day of spring, let's put what happened behind us and be friends" hearing it come out from your mouth, the reality of his feelings not being returned hit him hard once more - feeling disheartened but knew that the friendship between you two was more important right now.
He had came to the conclusion that forming friendships was his priority from now. Well at least a few loyal ones that would treat him the way he wanted them to.
Taehyung was the catalyst for that realisation - after risking his career and freedom for the brunette, he was more than happy to know someone like that was his friend.
"... I'd like that" showing a toothy smile, Jungkook shook your hand before swiftly letting your hand go, knowing that if he held your hand any longer he would have not let go.
"I got us corn dogs- oh, Jungkook right?" Kangjoon had finally returned with the said 10 corn dogs in his hands and tried to not mention about your 'date' 2 days ago.
"Ah yes... anyway, Taehyung and I have to help out with the festival so we will be on our way... bye" not wanting to make the situation uncomfortable for you, Jungkook decided to leave first with Taehyung following beside him.
"...the date went bad?"
"Forget that happened and why did you buy 10?!"
"You're right, I should have bought more"

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...