"Who's loving you?
Who's touching you?
I don't wanna know now"- Black Bear
"Ugh, why is this like my third health examination this year? I'm pretty sure the academy only had one each term"
"You guys get more missions than other hero companies. I can see why you need these health examinations" you explained.
"But I haven't been on missions!" Jungkook whined as he moved along the line of male heroes.
"Actually, you have. Without permission, but it still counts as a mission" you reminded him of his rebellious fiasco on Sunday.
"It was more practice than a mission for me. Why are you here anyway?"
"I'm babysitting you, remember?" The line continued to get shorter as more names were being called out. It was currently 11AM, the new recruits were scheduled for their third health check and everyone was located at the red training hall.
"I'm just getting a check up. What, are you going to let me hold your hand if it hurts too much?" He mocked while pulling a face. In response, you grabbed both of his cheeks with your fingers and pinched him hard.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"If you're going to act like a baby, then I'll treat you like a baby"
"I'm not a baby! I'm twenty one!"
"Jeon Jungkook?" A doctor called out his name from a makeshift tent.
"Come on, let's go" you dragged the younger to the doctor and joined him inside the medium sized tent with a bed and health equipment.
"Err, you don't need to stay with me-"
"She can stay, I was informed of your tendency to escape and rebel" this time, you stuck your tongue out at Jungkook and mocked him as he glared at you.
"Alright, sit on here and I'm just going to check your blood pressure, weight, height and so on" the doctor did what he had to do which only took fifteen minutes.
"Alright, everything seems great. Except your wrist looks a bit swollen" frowning, you looked at his left wrist and saw that it was hardly any different from his other wrist.
"What do you mean, doc? It's fine"
"What about if I do this" the doctor grabbed a pen from his pocket and poked the swollen area.
"Ow! That hurt!"
"It's swollen, that's why. I'm going to bandage it up and give you pain killers. I want you take a break for three days-"
"Three days?! That's too long!" The brunette exclaimed in anger.
"If you don't take a break and heal, then it will be difficult for you to train. I'm going to exempt you from further training for the next few days" he said while noting it down.
"Doctor don't do this to me! I heal pretty quickly!"
"Sorry, it's for the best. Now go on ahead, I'm calling the next person" when you saw that Jungkook wasn't going to budge any time soon, you went over and forcefully moved him off the bed and out of the tent.
"Let me go! I need to talk to him!"
"Jungkook! You have been injured and you didn't tell anyone?! You know how dangerous it is for you and to others?" You lectured him once the both of you were far enough from the others.
"I can still train! It's just my wrist that's a little scratched-"
"Why are you so persistent on training? A few days won't make you physically unfit. Plus, if you bothered to know what my power was, you wouldn't be panicking right now" you crossed your arms, awaiting his reply.
"... what? Is it the power of persuasion? Can you persuade him to not exempt- actually there's no way you have that power. I mean, you couldn't even persuade me to come with you down to eat" he stood there while looking up slightly as he tried to think what your power could be.
"...Shall I tell y-"
"No no, let me guess" you rolled your eyes and decided that perhaps telling him isn't the answer right now, he may even need this break. Yeah, it'll show him not to be reckless, you thought.
"...ugh, just tell me"
"Wow okay, you gave up that easily. My power is to play any instrument" he stared at you with a blank expression before chuckling out loud.
"Pfft. That's not a power, that's just showing off"
"What? It is a power! It's my power! Why do you think I work at Nightingale and got stuck babysitting you? Because I wasn't good enough to be a hero" you lied right through your teeth.
"You? Being a hero? Don't make me laugh, how on earth is music supposed to help save the country?"
"...bring their morale up?"
"Yeah, I can see why you're stuck babysitting me" you saw this as a successful mission in convincing him your power was something else.
Which, in entirety, wasn't a lie. You could play any instrument since you went to a special school for musicians and there you learnt how to play each instrument as well as how to make music.
"Awww, do you want your sitter to buy you the meat feast meal in Protein World?" Jungkook's mood suddenly changed as he heard what you said. You remembered how a new 'Protein World' restaurant had just opened up and most of the new recruits wanted to go but were ordered not to as they needed to stick to their diet.
"The new one in town?! The one that the trainers said not to go to?!"
"Yep, since everyone knows that I'm in charge of you, I can take you anywhere I want. Since you have been such a nice- oh wait, you didn't tell me about your injury... maybe you don't deserve-"
"No! I promise I was going to tell you and from now on I'll tell you as soon as! Please!" Jungkook grabbed your arm and held you as he tried to persuade you with his big brown eyes.
"You promise? What about trying to escape training?"
"I won't do it anymore! I'll do whatever you want!" You pretended to think about whether to take him to Protein World or not.
"Hmmm... alright, you've convinced me. If you don't keep your promise, I will make sure to annoy the living daylights out of you. Okay?" You threatened with a smile before seeing the younger gulp nervously and nod his head vigorously.
"Good, go get dressed properly and I'll meet you in the lobby" before you could finish your sentence, he had already left running.
"Easy peasy, lemon squeezy" you exclaimed while crossing your arms in victory.

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...