"You re-apply lippy 'cause it came off on the glass"
- Regard
It was now the next day, you had a good night's rest and a well deserved break as you stayed in your room all day.
Today was a normal day in the Athena building- or else it would have been if it weren't for the large explosions happening on the outside training courts.
"Jungkook! Stop and land!"
"If I could, wouldn't I be down right now?!" He yelled back while his hand continued to explode, making him go in all directions.
"Why are the explosions coming out of his hands like that?" Taehyung asked nonchalantly while sitting cross legged on the ground.
"Because the idiot thought he knew how to use the power but here we are" Namjoon explained while trying to aim his hands towards Jungkook's so he can freeze them.
"I would help but..."
"But what?" The blue haired size shifter asked the mind controller who was also sitting next to him with his legs spread out and his hands supporting him from the back.
"That's it. I would, but I won't" nodding his head as if he understood, Taehyung returned back to watching the out of control brunette in the air.
"Point your arms up!"
"What?!" Jungkook yelled back at the pink haired hero.
"Like this!" Jimin demonstrated and you watched as the other understood. You and Namjoon quickly jumped in to action as you both yelled in distress.
"No, don't!" Suddenly, the area around you was surrounded by dust as Jungkook plummeted to the ground.
"Kuh, what the-"
"I can't see!" The smoke started to fade away, making things more visible and easier to show what was happening.
"...hey it worked! You know, Barbie, you're not that dumb after all"
"My name is Jimin!" You watched as Jungkook looked fine and was able to walk over and pat off the dirt from his clothes.
"That was stupid and irresponsible. I suggest you never do that again" the ice hero warned while the brunette rolled his eyes.
"Alright, we can start off the duels-"
"Can't we do a three vs three?"
"And who, Taehyung, are these six people?" Crossing his arms, Namjoon awaited the other's response.
"Everyone here" he gestured to everyone including you.
"You do realise that the three of you are new recruits, especially you. Me and Yoongi are experts and Y/N over here isn't even a hero?"
"Wait, she isn't even a hero? What's she doing here then?" The twenty three year old asked Jungkook.
"She helps heroes improve and stuff like that. I don't know how since her power is to only play instruments" this made Jimin confused as he listened to Jungkook's explanation.
"She doesn't only play instruments, though?" Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked over at the lightning user in confusion.
"What do you mean? She told me herself" that's when you remembered that Jungkook had still believed the little lie you told him from when you first met him and that he had yet to see what you could actually do.
"She's a healer and an enhancer... and you guys were calling me dumb" Jimin shook his head in disbelief before sitting beside Yoongi to rest.
"Wait, is this true? Or is he being dumb right now?"
"Says the one who went flying to the ground" Yoongi teased to which he received a very threatening glare from the younger.
"Err yeah, it's pretty much true what Jimin said. I didn't lie that I could play instruments it's just that my powers activate when I play an instrument?" You explained while nervously laughing.
"Wowwww, so you could have healed my wrist back then?"
"Shut up, I treated you to Protein World"
"Well that- I guess that makes up for it..." the copy hero no longer felt betrayed as he remembered the Meat feast he had.
"So three vs three?"
"For the last time, me and Yoongi are-"
"What about this. Jungkook, Jimin and me are in one team and you three in a team" you suggested.
"What are you trying to say right now?" Namjoon was confused that you even included yourself in the team order.
"Well for this fight, I won't physically be involved I'll just be on the sidelines, enhancing and healing Jungkook and Jimin so that they are on the same level as you and Yoongi. And since Taehyung just started he might as well join you guys to make it even" you tried to explain your theory. Namjoon started to think through with your team layout and soon enough came to a conclusion.
"...Alright. As long as you stop when it gets too much for you, okay?" Giving him a thumbs up, Namjoon signalled for everyone to get on the large training court.
"Wait, I can fight the ice king? And not get told off?" Jungkook teased while the other glared daggers.
"Rules are the same, make sure to not kill each other" you walked to your team's side and stood behind them, making sure that you were out of the court.
"Yeah yeah, let's just start already" Taehyung rushed as he started to stretch his body while facing towards the three of you.
"Eager to lose are we?" Jungkook joked to the blue haired male who smirked back before getting in to his ready stance.
"Not going to happen"
"are you guys done having your conversation?" Yoongi complained, wanting the battle to be over and done with.
"Yeah let's get started!" Jimin yelled before allowing his body spark up.
"As soon as this coin lands the ground, we start" Namjoon explained before flipping the coin in to the air. Everyone stared in anticipation as the coin went through the air and began it's journey down. You pushed your sleeve back to reveal a mini launchpad included with speakers where you could play your melody.
Have a good day readers ♡♡
-c.chicken and Anna

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...