"I woke up in a foreign land
In a castle made of sand"- Adam Jensen
"So, you need my help?"
"I don't need your help, I want your help"
"... why can't you just say 'Y/N, can you help me out with this new move please?' Is that so hard to ask?" You lectured to the man in front of you.
"Are you going to help me or not?" Jin asked once more. You were currently standing in the doorway of your room in your pyjamas. It was 5:00am and you were woken up by the plant user who was fully decked out in his training gear and very awake.
"First of all, I don't start work until 6 and second of all, can't you just wait until after breakfast?" His expression became sullen, not wanting to wait any longer to master his new move."I can't wait, I have to do it now or else I'll lose the momentum" you could tell he was training all night by the smell of sweat coming from him which didn't bother you as much since you surrounded yourself with people training.
"... you owe me" his lips curled in to a smile as he grabbed your arm and dragged you out in to the hallway.
"Hey wait! I need to get changed!"
"You don't need to do anything physical anyway"
"But what about my-" you turned your head to see the vines from a nearby plant stretch towards your door and close it for you before returning to their original positions.
"-door..." still rushing you out, he didn't wait for the elevators to arrive and instead he went to the balcony that overlooked the entrance of the building.
"Wait, the elevators are- AHHH!" vines wrapped around your waist and lifted you into the air before taking you down to ground floor where Jin already was.
"Don't scream! People are sleeping"
"Shut up" you retorted back at the giggling male. The training halls weren't that far now and the both of you could walk the distance in 2 minutes. However, this did not stop the purple haired hero to use his powers to his advantage.
"Hold on tight!" One long vine appeared from the ceiling and stopped in front of you where Jin grabbed it like Tarzan and wrapped his arm around your waist to take you with him. Without thinking, you wrapped your arm around his neck in hopes that you don't fall as he swung to the training halls.
"Jin! You're so dead!" You exclaimed angrily after arriving at one of the halls.
"You loved it really. Also, you've got something in your hair" and with that, he walked through the double doors and left you alone.
Confused, you looked at a nearby display board that had a glass casing around it. You saw your reflection and immediately regretted it. There were leaves and flowers tangled up in your hair and you knew that your hayfever would not like it one bit.
"It's too early for this, calm down, Y/N... calm down" after regaining your composure, you decided to finally go inside the training hall where Jin and a few other heroes were there training. One of the heroes there was also Jimin.
"Y/N? What are you doing here so early? And in your pyjamas?" The pink haired hero asked while trying not to laugh at your choice of clothing. You were currently wearing your blue Koala pyjamas that was given to you by Namjoon from when he was guarding you in Nightingale.
"That's a great question, why am I up so early? Care to explain, Jin?" He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm before looking over to the lightning hero.
"It's nothing, you should go back to training" not complaining, Jimin returned to his station after waving you goodbye. Confused, you tried to think why Jin was acting so out of character.Him waking you up really early was really out of the ordinary and not to mention him asking for help. You knew that he was a very independent person and never asked for help even when he needed it.
You thought that maybe he was like you and didn't want to be a hassle to others but that idea went out of the window when he refused help from even the smallest of things.
Only knowing that he came from a wealthy family who were well known for their investments to Zeus.
You also knew that he didn't talk much about his family and made sure to change the subject when it lead to that.
"Alright, what are you trying to do?" You asked while walking over in your bunny slippers.
"I just need you to enhance my powers so that I can create a dome around me" he explained simply before getting ready to use his powers. Not questioning him any further, you decided to go through with it and cleared your throat before using your voice.
"Dreams are like Angels, they keep bad at bay" Jin's purple hair started to glow brightly as he concentrated on the flow of energy within his body. The plants hanging from the walls and ceiling, started to grow in length and made their way around Jin before beginning to spiral around him.
"Love is the light scaring darkness away" the plants continue to circle around him and were now forming a sphere upwards, making a green dome around the hero who was inside. You stopped using your ability to see whether the plant user has successfully mastered his new found move.
"...Jin?" Suddenly, the plants quickly retracted back to their original places with Jin unharmed and in the same place as before but with a wide smile on his face."Add that to my list of amazing abilities" he boasted. The other heroes, including Jimin, were watching the whole thing in amazement as they had never seen anything like it.
"Woah, Jin that was amazing!" Jimin exclaimed before running over.
"What can I say, I'm an amazing person" he smirked.
"I think you're the first hero to do that move" another hero pointed out. The rest of them surrounded Jin and showered him in compliments to which you took this as your cue to leave and return to bed.
You were definitely going to have the morning off.
E/n: ~♡♡

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...