"Let's rewind to yesterday"
-Papa Ya
"Mum and dad?! Why are you guys- ow! Ow!" You couldn't finish your sentence because of the repeated hits coming from your mother.
"That's for not visiting us! That's for not calling us! And this-" suddenly, instead of sending another hit, she embraced you in to a hug.
"-Is because I missed you" you rolled your eyes at your mother's behaviour before smiling widely and hugging her back.
Many people from the past had told you that your personality was very much like your mother's. Always going out of your way to help others and when your mind is set on something, you won't stop until it gets done.
"I missed you guys too"
"Hey! Where's my hug?" Your father exclaimed while spreading his arms open for you to get in to, to which you did without complaining.
Your facial features and love for music was the same as your father's. Since he had owned a music shop before you were born, he couldn't wait to show you all the instruments and to teach you how to play them.
"Why didn't you guys call me when you got here?"
"We wanted to surprise you. Thanks to Namjoon, he made this possible" confused, you looked at Namjoon who had his eyes widened from the realisation before speaking up.
"I-I helped them find you! They looked a little lost so I helped them out..." he answered while secretly winking to your parents to go along with his story.
"Ah, I see. Thanks for helping them out" you smiled at the other before facing your parents.
"Want me to show you guys around? They're selling those churros that you like, dad!"
"Why are we standing around for? Let's go!" And with that, you lead your dad to where the churro van was which was only a few feet away.
"...still keeping it a secret, huh?" Your mother questioned while standing beside the Athena hero.
"Yeah... I'm not deceiving your daughter, Miss L/N! I just-"
"I know, Namjoon. You don't have to worry about having to explain why" your mother smiled warmly at the younger, seeing the usually calm and collected hero become so nervous about her daughter made her chuckle.
"Thanks, Mrs L/N..." Namjoon returned the smile before covering his eyes with his cap to hide his identity from the people walking past.
"When will you tell her?" The elemental user looked at you standing next your dad while you ordered from the churro van, smiling in content that you looked so joyful after meeting with your parents. He could have also sworn that he saw your squirrel costume tail wag a little while talking to your dad so excitedly.
"I don't know... it would be better if she remembered about me but that isn't important right now" your mother nodded at his response, understanding his thoughts a bit more now.
"... what about the search for your parents? How's that going?" Namjoon turned to look back at the older woman that he had known for a long time now and continued the conversation.
"Nothing... I appreciate your help by the way. Thank you"
"It's the least I can do for what you've done for us, especially for Y/N" she said while teasingly pinching his cheeks momentarily while he played along and laughed at her actions.
You heard laughter coming from behind you, making you turn and stare in confusion at the two. They seem way too close to be strangers...
"So... got a boyfriend?"
"I'm just teasing! But that boy over there is quite the package, huh? Your mother already likes him-" realising what he was talking about, your cheeks immediately started to heat up as you glared at your dad who only chuckled before eating his churro.
"He's my client, Dad. Plus, I don't have time for a relationship, I'm always moving around the country- just like Mum now that I think about it"
"And she managed to marry me and have a child- okay okay, I get it! No boyfriend any time soon" deciding that you have had enough of your Dad's constant teasing, you walked over to where the other two were, curious as to what they were laughing about.
"I see you two are having fun, what was the joke?"
"Oh nothing, dear. Now, you two run along and enjoy yourselves. Your Dad and I are going to look around" waving good bye, your mother left you two alone while going over to her husband.
"You have lovely parents" turning to face the blonde hero, you started to blush after remembering what your Dad said not too long ago.
"...are you... blushing?"
"No! It's my hayfever!" Trying to hide your face, you marched off to where the large fountain was where hopefully you can splash your face with some cold water.
Namjoon only laughed at your sudden outburst before following behind you.
E/n: Keep smiling ^ω^

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfic•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...