"Dirty money,
dirty but you shine"- Dawn
It's been a few days since you've started working again and gotten back in to the swing of things.
The Azalea festival was less than a month away and there were already advertisements going around as well as questions on who was attending.
"Maybe BlackPink will come back-""Oh my- Jaeho! You can't just say that!" You yelled at the trainer who was sitting next to you on the couch while facing the TV.
"I'm only joking! It's obvious who's going anyway"
"Really? Go on then, who?"
"The same people from last year- ow!" You flicked his arm before returning to watch the screen.
"...some say that the president of the hero council may even attend this year. However, this is not confirmed and is only a speculation. The president has donated millions to the charities attending the festival but has never attended himself..." you widened your eyes when you heard that the president has never attended once to the festivals and that this was his first time going.
"Pfft, the day he shows up on screen is the day that I'll transform in to something I want" you stayed silent as you continued to eat your biscuits that you took from the coffee table in front.
"... aren't you going to say anything? You usually speak your opinions about these things""Err, it's just- of course he's not going to attend. I mean, if he was going to reveal himself, it wouldn't be the at the festival" you tried to convince the trainer.
"Hmm, you're right. He would probably be on the news channel. Do you think he's not revealing himself because he might think he's ugly?"
"That's definitely not the reason" you stated.
"Oh, why is that?" Realising your mistake, you tried to think if an excuse to throw him off.
"Err, well I don't think he would be the type of person to care about his looks. I feel like he would be too busy to care" you watched as the Athena trainer nodded in agreement.
"Yeah you're probably right" suddenly, the door opened to reveal another trainer who looked stressed as she looked for Jaeho.
"Something is wrong..."
"What? Show me now" you were confused as you never seen Jaeho so serious before and you knew it wasn't good.
"I'll come too" you announced before following the two. The female trainer lead you two to the food hall where everyone was trying to get out through the exits.
Once the three of you managed to push your way through the chaotic crowd, you saw tables being thrown to the walls and a person standing in the middle of the hall with electricity surging through him.
"Jimin! Focus!" Jungkook yelled while trying to evacuate the workers in the kitchen. You watched as the pink haired hero stood still with his eyes fully white and his body tense.
"Be careful of the water guys!" Jaeho exclaimed while pointing at the small puddles around the room that had electrical current flowing through them."Yoongi! Mind control him!"
"I can't! He's got electricity going through his brain!" Jungkook bit his lip at Yoongi's answer, trying to figure a way to stop the Eros hero from what ever he was doing.
"Let's just wait until Namjoon comes-"
"We can't just rely on him, we need to figure something out now!" Jaeho interrupted Taehyung.
Suddenly, the doors opened to reveal three people in suits and the girl who was standing in the middle cleared her throat before saying out the next three words.
"I love you" you watched as Jimin slowly turned his body to face Hyori, who was one of the Protectors, and let his power slowly die down. His eyes were now back to normal and instead of his tensed up face being shown, a wide smile brightly appeared on his face.
"Hyori! I missed you so-" the smitten hero ran over to the tall woman and before he could place his arms around her, she grabbed his collar and pulled him closer so that she could plant her lips on his. Everyone in the room was shocked except for you and the other two Protectors as you three were used to seeing this.
After a few seconds, Jimin was finally let go and felt like he was in a daze.
"Wha- what just happened?" He stuttered while looking around the messy hall.
"You, my friend, are one lucky guy" Taehyung boasted as he walked over to the pink haired hero before patting his back in amazement.
"Everyone, let's sort out the tables before we start asking questions. Jimin, head over to the infirmary and see if you're okay" Namjoon ordered as he took charge. Hesitantly, everyone started to help out with the tables and you went over to Jimin to take him to the infirmary.
"What happened? Did I do this?"
"I'll explain later, right now we need you to be okay" you stated before helping him walk to the exit.
"... you don't suppose I could get a kiss too? OW!" You heard the blue haired hero yell before you chuckled at his punishment.
E/n: Keep smiling ~

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...