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"I'm asleep and all I dream of
Is waking to you"

- Skillet


"Thank Eros! I have found you!" Hoseok yelled in victory before trying to regain his breath from running around the park.

"What is it? I'm busy so make it quick" Jin stated as he walked around in the tent full of colourful costumes and outfits, ticking them off on his tablet and checking to see if any were missing.

"You won't be busy when I tell you it's gossip~" stopping momentarily what he was doing, the purple haired hero looked behind him and at the lucky hero's smug look.

"About who?"

"About Y/N~"

"...Go on, what happened" Hoseok explained to his friend and coworker what happened with you and Jungkook in the treasure hunt, Jin only getting more interested by the second.

"...and she said she loves him too! This is what I needed Jin, this is the gossip that I wanted to hear- where are you going?" The red haired hero asked while watching the other place down his tablet and walking past him to the exit.

"Look after the tent"

"Look after the- are you crazy?! Jin!" he sighed to himself while turning around to see the racks of clothes that were going to be used later.

Outside, Jin was running around while trying to find you. He didn't know what he was going to do when he finds you but he had to see you. Something in him needed to hear if your words were true to your heart.

He hoped it wasn't.

Jin loved to tease you and for the time that he had known you, the Eros hero considered you as a close friend that he could trust.

All his life, he had been surrounded by people who found the action of lying natural, using it against him for his family's wealth and popularity.

Because of this, he hardly trusted anyone, not even his parents.

They saw their son as their puppet, a toy that they could play with and never get tired of. Using him for their friends, for their jobs, for their own amusement - the list could go on and on.

One day, he finally decided to cut ties with them, with everyone he knew. Leaving them was the best choice he had ever made- the only choice he had made.

"Jin? What are you doing here- shouldn't you be checking the outfits?" The familiar voice that belonged to Myunghee stopped him in his tracks.

"Have you seen Y/N?" The girl went from confused to worried, never seeing the plant manipulator so serious before and because of you.

"I think I saw her and Jungkook go to the secret garden. Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, thanks for the info!" Now with a destination in mind, Jin started to head to the west part of the park where the secret garden was located, which luckily for him, wasn't that far.

He had an uneasy feeling in his stomach after hearing that both you and Jungkook had went together to the secret garden.

Jin had yet to meet the Zeus hero but from what he had heard from the others, he was a rebellious hero who did as he pleased.

Finally arriving in the secret garden, the handsome male looked around for you while walking on the built in path.

There weren't a lot of people in the garden which was probably because the activities were held outside of the quaint garden.

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