Cosmic love

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"No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight"

-Florence and the Machine

"Wake up... wake up!"

"Ah!" Jungkook yelled after getting drenched with water. Coughing, he tried to look around but found that he was restrained on a chair by chains.

"Good, you're awake" a voice said, not really sounding like he was in front of him but more like around him. Looking up, he saw the masked man from before staring at him through windows with his two subordinates from before.

"What... where-" he then realised how hot it was, steam coming off from him from the thrown water and how someone was accompanying him in the room.

"Where is Y/N" too confused to even respond, Jungkook tried to have a good look at his surroundings and noticed that he was locked inside a grey room with a girl who was holding an empty bucket.

Suddenly, the Zeus hero's attention was brought back to the front after hearing a loud bang come from the window.

"I said! Where. Is. She?!" He could tell that the villain was infuriated, hiding behind the mask could not hide his body language.

"... why should I... tell you?" Jungkook found it difficult to talk, allowing the hot air to enter his cold body and his copied power not agreeing with the temperature.

"Because, you have no choice. I wonder where she could be... I mean, one of ours did break her arm. Perhaps she's in a hospital?" The Phantom played mind games as he tried to make the other fall for his tricks.

Jungkook remembered about what happened before he blacked out in the giant's hand, making him grit his teeth and hoping that his new found friend was okay. They must have taken her to Zeus... it's the only one that can give her the best help and knowing Namjoon, that's where he would have taken her...

The masked Phantom smiled through his mask as he snapped his fingers.

"She's in Zeus" the subordinates continued to stay in place as they looked at their leader.

"... what are you waiting for? Go get her!" After demanding them to leave, he watched them scurry off and making it their mission to follow their leader's orders.

"What- how did you know?! Why bother asking if you knew already?!" Jungkook started to panic, thinking that they are going over to Zeus to capture you. Without uttering a word, the other left and made sure to close the door behind him.

"...AH! LET ME GO!" The brunette tried to use Namjoon's power to freeze the chains so that they could break off and free himself but the temperature made it too difficult to even start.

Seeing that the problem was the girl standing ominously in the corner, staring at him while he struggled, he knew he had to deal with her first.

"Hey you! Set me free!" The girl placed the bucket down before grabbing another one and proceeded to throw its contents on to him.

"Wha- I said to let me go, not to wake me up!" The girl once again swapped the empty bucket for a full one and threw water over Jungkook's head.


-------------------1 hour later---------------------

"Y/N, please eat"

"I really don't feel hungry..."Myunghee tsk'd at your response.

"Your body needs the energy to fix that arm of yours. Don't make your body suffer just because you don't 'feel like it'" reconsidering your choice, you instead grabbed the water bottle beside your soup and took a swig.

"Myunghee, I honestly think that if I take a single bite I'll just vomit it back out- Mmph!" Suddenly, someone had placed a piece of bread in your mouth, making you shut up and with no choice but to chew.

"Is she still not eating?" Namjoon asked the Eros trainer who shook her head no. You chewed quickly so that you could ask the hero why he was here.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting right now?"

"We had to wrap things up early because the president of the hero council wanted to see Sehun" he explained before sitting down beside you and across from Myunghee.

"What happened? Did you guys find any lead on where they might be?" You asked hopefully.

"... we will get him back, Y/N. We still don't know their whereabouts but we'll figure it out" he smiled sadly towards you, knowing that this wasn't the best news he could give you. You looked at the bowl of soup in front of you and saw your sorrowful reflection. Angry at yourself, you picked up the bowl with your left hand and started to fill your mouth with soup until it was spilling out and sliding down your face.

"Y/N! What are you doing!?" Myunghee grabbed the bowl from out of your hands while Namjoon stood up to grab tissue.

"I can't afford to be picky about whether to eat or not when they could be starving Jungkook..." you immediately felt sick after forcing yourself to drink the soup and soon enough, tears started to appear as you remembered about the young hero. The blonde male grabbed enough tissues and came over to start wiping your face, including your tears.

"I'll go call the nurse to help... Y/N, please don't think those horrible thoughts because we will find him" you couldn't look at Namjoon, scared that the tears will come back.

"Myunghee, make sure to keep an eye on her. I'll come by later to check on her again" the trainer nodded before grabbing your hand reassuringly. Taking one last look at you, the ice hero couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards you and wanted to take the pain away from within you.

After he left, the nurse shortly came after and went over to your side before checking your condition.

"Not eating properly, are we?" You looked apologetic as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.

"It's okay, it's time for your shots anyway" confused, you hadn't taken any shots beforehand but you could have been mistaken as you were knocked out for three hours. The nurse asked for your arm to which you gladly gave and slowly, she inserted the needle in to your arm while you hissed slightly.

"Alright, this is going to make you very sleepy so lay back" obeying her orders, you laid back with the help of Myunghee.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. She'll need to rest without any distractions" the nurse requested at the trainer.

"Oh I've been asked to stay with her, even if she is asleep just to make sure that if there was an intrusion I'll be able to help her"

"I'll be here to keep an eye on her, it's my job" Myunghee was beginning to get suspicious at the nurse's behaviour as she seemed pretty persistent on leaving you alone. You also started to feel the drug get into affect as you felt your eyes get heavy.

"I've been ordered by the higher ups, you're going to have to ask- agh!" Suddenly, you watched the nurse stab Myunghee with another needle in to her neck.

"Will you shut up and let me take this girl?!" You tried to sit up and stop what was happening but because of the drug, it was difficult. You watched as Myunghee rolled her eyes back before falling on the floor unconscious.

"Myung...hee..." you whispered out.

"Finally, I can get out of here" the nurse unplugged all of the wires from you before pulling the hospital bed that was on wheels towards the exit of the infirmary. Before blacking out, you saw the same nurse laying on the floor unconscious beside the doors.


Keep smiling

Take care ♡♡

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