"You might knock me down, but I will get back up again"
- Galantis
"Just leave her be... you and I need to have a talk anyway" Namjoon reasoned after stopping Jungkook from running after you. He also noticed Taehyung tip toeing away and before he could get away, the blonde male bound his feet to the ground with ice.
"You too, Taehyung"
"So close..." sighing in defeat, the Zeus heroes followed after the elemental user, their heads laying low in shame.
After walking for awhile, you found yourself at the quiet secret gardens which probably was the best place for you right now.
You had hoped no one would come up to you and disturb your messy thoughts. Your thoughts about what to do next with Jungkook.
His feelings were clear now but yours wasn't. You didn't hate the younger but he wasn't in your good books at the moment after the whole 'deceiving you' for two days.
You thought you were going to be angry at Jungkook after receiving the kiss that broke the love spell. Instead, you felt sympathetic.
Perhaps it was because you knew about his past.
Or maybe because you didn't hate the idea of being loved by someone.
Whatever the reason was, it wasn't going to help you understand what to do next.
"...Y/N?" Raising your head, your eyes widened at the person in front of you.
"...Jimin? Where were you?! Do you know how-"
"I was really busy with the festival since I'm helping out and stuff... but today is my day off so I can go back to enjoying the festival" he answered with his warm smile while walking over to you.
However, his eyes didn't match his mood as he looked extremely tired and his voice was more hoarse than usual.
"... they make you guys work so hard. You deserve more than just a day off" deciding to not point out his exhaustion, you wrapped your arms around the younger and held him in a tight hug.
"... what's wrong? Did something happen while I was away?"
"...I just feel like hugging someone" soon after, you felt his arms move around you and pulling you closer as he hugged you back.
"So something did happen" he stated before hearing you sigh exasperatedly. It would have been nice to tell someone about what's going on in your head, but you felt that Jimin wasn't that person at the moment.
After what Jin had told you about his secret meetings and also knowing that he wasn't telling the whole story about how he came to work at Eros, it did made you think twice about the 'innocent' Jimin that you had came to know.
"It's nothing, really... so, want to walk around with me for a bit?" Putting your thoughts aside, you decided that if what Jin said was true, then it would be better to get to know the younger a bit better.
"Sure, I'd love to" stuffing his hands in his black Eros training pants after giving you one more toothy smile, the both of you started your walk around the secret garden.
As you walked, you tried to sway away from thinking about what happened with Jungkook and instead, tried to distract yourself with getting to know Jimin.
"... Your family must be happy about you helping with the festival" you started, thinking that maybe getting to know his family first will help you to understand him more.
You saw his expression change to a blank one, clearly showing that the thought of his family was not a great way start the conversation.
"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have pried where I-"
"It's okay, you were only asking a question" Jimin calmly answered while chuckling slightly, making you feel less bad about asking him.
"...my mother died when I was born and my father died when I was eighteen" your mouth fell wide open at what the younger said, feeling regretful about asking his personal life now.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear... I couldn't even imagine how you would feel" suddenly, the Eros hero stopped walking which made you also stop and look at him in confusion.
"I don't want you to see me any differently or be sympathetic towards me because of my past. I'd rather you see me for who I am now and not what happened to me before" after analysing his serious expression, you nodded your head before reaching your hand out.
"Deal" satisfied with your response, Jimin shook your hand before returning it back inside his pocket and walking alongside you, making sure that the distance between the both of you was shorter than before.
Not wanting to make things anymore awkward than it should be, you stopped asking questions about his personal life.
"... what happened after the treasure hunt? After... the whole... Jungkook's confession?" Biting your lip, you tried not to show your true feelings and forced a smile out for the other to see.
"Oh he was just acting so that he could win and since I was the only girl who he considered a friend, I was the easiest option" you lied.
"Oh... really? I thought something else would have happened- ow!" Jimin yelled in pain as he felt your hard slap against his arm.
"You're turning in to Jin and Hoseok! I've warned you to not follow their gossiping ways!" You shouted angrily at a laughing Eros hero.
"Haha, I'm sorry! But it's hard not to copy habits from your friends" the mentioning of the word 'friends' reminded you of what Jin said and how he didn't even consider Jimin a friend.
"...what's wrong? Are you ok-"
"I'm not okay! Don't turn out like those two! Promise me!" You exclaimed while continuously hitting him lightly.
"Ow! Haha, okay- ow! I promise!"

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fiksi Penggemar•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...