"What'chu you gonna do when there's blood in the water"
- Grandson
"Y/N, stand next to me" Namjoon gently grabbed your hand and pulled you so that you could stand between him and Kangjoon.
"Why? What's wrong?" You asked while making sure to keep an eye on the stage.
"There's too many people around, I don't want you getting hurt" realising what he said, your attention was now fully on him while your heart skipped a beat.
"Oh... thank you" you smiled before looking away, not wanting to show your pink tinted cheeks at the male.
Yoongi could only quietly gag at what he was witnessing until he was stopped by a strong nudge from the blonde hero who had noticed his fake gagging.
After the announcement of the even starting soon, more people had gathered around the large curved stage. Looking around, you could guess that there was around 5000 people around you.
Suddenly, the Eros trainers (including Myunghee) walked up on stage with microphones in hand. One of the trainers, who you knew as the head trainer, cleared his throat before speaking in to his mic.
"Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait but we'll bring out the Azalea flower soon enough! But first, we just wanted to give a round of applause to the Eros staff who have made this festival possible" and with that, he initiated the applauding while facing the Eros trainers who bowed in thanks to everyone.
After everyone had bowed, the next group of people came on stage while the trainers went off.
You noticed three of them were the new recruits that you recently became friends with. Jungkook and Taehyung bowed before shouting 'Zeus' over and over, making the Eros heroes push the two towards the exit if the stage while laughing.
Jimin was with his dance group and his cute smile melted your heart, seeing him happy was probably more effective than getting therapy.
"Thank you once again Eros staff for creating such a magnificent festival! Since it's nearly noon, we will now introduce the special guests that will be hosting the event!" Everyone cheered, knowing that whoever the specials guests were, they were going to be amazing.
"Finally!" You exclaimed, making Namjoon laugh at your way over the top excitement.
From the left of the stage, four masked people walked up, making people wonder who they were.
Once they reached the middle of the stage, the head Eros trainer shook their hands before returning his attention to the crowd.
"Everyone! I give to you, The Protectors!" And simultaneously, they took off their Azalea flower themed masks to reveal their joyful faces.
The crowd couldn't control their excitement or their cheers as they loudly called out their favourite member. Sehun grabbed the microphone from the trainer after thanking him for introducing them and proceeded to signal everyone to calm down.
"Happy first day of spring!" You noticed Kangjoon was covering his ears from the volume of people cheering and yelling back at Sehun which only made you chuckle.
Sehun then passed the microphone to Hyori was clearly over dressed but looked amazing anyway in her sparkly white dress and faux fur coat.
"Did you miss me guys?" She teased while posing seductively towards the cameras near the stage that were broadcasting to the world.
Jiyong had to force the microphone out of her hands as he also wanted to say something.
"Man, you guys are burning this place up!" Typical of Jiyong, you thought while shaking your head dismissively.
The fire breather passed the mic to Taemin who was wearing all white along with the other Protectors.
"It's good to be back!" The women in the crowd have never been louder than now as they cheered for their heartthrob hero. Hyori immediately sent daggers to all the women in the crowd who immediately backed off.
"We just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to host this year's Azalea festival and we are honoured to be here today" Taemin continued on before bowing along with the others.
"Since it's nearly noon, shall we get the Azalea ready?" Everyone yelled 'Yes!' To the golden blonde Protector who then signalled for the Eros staff to bring up the flower.
Two staff members came up on stage while holding a large glass case with the white Azalea bonsai tree inside and walked over carefully to where there was a stand to place it on.
"When the flowers bloom, it won't just signify the start of spring, but also the start of new life!" Taemin exclaimed. Looking at the large park clock that was located behind everyone, you saw that there was 2 minutes left until noon.
The Protectors went around the bonsai tree and began opening the case, making sure to be careful not to damage anything.
"Alright guys! 15 seconds left until noon! 10!"
"9!" You yelled along with Kangjoon.
"8!" Jimin and Myunghee shouted from the sidelines.
"7!" Jungkook exclaimed while standing on a large shoulder that belonged to Taehyung.
"6!" Seonghwa cheered along with his parents from the crowd.
"5!" Hoseok yelled from backstage.
"4!" Jin smiled while staring at the clock from the front of the stage.
"3!" Namjoon and Yoongi watched silently from beside you.
The small tree started to blossom slowly, the petals opening up to try and get the sun's rays on its leaves. You were thankful for the large screens that were displaying a close up of what was happening because the sight was just mesmerising.
But the flowers couldn't open any further and instead, began to close and turn brown.
"What's going on?"
"Why is it dying?!"
"Am I seeing this correctly?" Was what you hears around you. Suddenly, Kangjoon grabbed you while looking around frantically.
"K-kangjoon? What's wrong?" Whipping his head towards you, the look of pure terror was painted on his face.
"He's here"
"Phantom's here...
and he's here to get you"

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...