"Fighting off all my demons, I'm just tryna get even"
- Ty James
"Did you become more handsome than when I last saw you?"
"Probably. But I was handsome from the start, right?"
"Of course! My baby is the most handsome guy in the world~" you cooed at the brunette while caressing his face.
After Jungkook's confession, you two decided it would be best to leave and go to a more quiet, secluded place within the park.
"...really?" The Zeus hero was on cloud 9, thanks to 'his' brilliant plan, he could get the girl he liked to like him back.
"Not only are you handsome..." wanting to get closer to the younger, you leaned towards his face while making sure that you were balanced well on the bench and not to lose eye contact while doing so.
"But you are extremely sexy~" you whispered erotically, wanting to taste his lips once again.
Jungkook was no longer recognisable as his head was replaced with a bright red tomato. The view of you so close to him and the feeling of your hot breath against his face only grew his imagination about you.
Suddenly, he felt you get even closer as you bit your lip seductively and flickered your eyes to his lips now and then. Taehyung's voice began to echo in his head.
'Remember, don't kiss her or she won't be on the love spell anymore!'
Instinctively, Jungkook pushed you away slightly, far enough for you to not lock lips.
"Hm? Are you playing hard to get~" once again, you leaned in for another kiss but he had managed to dodge you by standing up.
"Want to go on the rides together?" He asked, trying to get your mind off on kissing him even though he would much prefer doing that.
"Yes! Sounds like a perfect date!" Grabbing his hand, you began to drag him in the direction of the fair ground rides while the copy hero smiled blissfully as he followed behind you.
In the other direction stood two silhouettes behind a wooden shop where nobody was except for them.
"What have you done to her?!" Namjoon yelled loudly enough for the nearby people not to hear while pushing a worried Taehyung against the wooden wall.
"Nothing! I've done nothing, I swear!" He was lying as clearly the plan was his but it was evident he wasn't going to own up to it, scared of what Namjoon was going to do to him.
"Then what has Jungkook done?!" The scene was still replying through Namjoon's mind of you getting kissed and saying you loved Jungkook back. A scene that he did not want to believe.
"... why do you care? It's not like she's in danger or anything" deciding not to sell out his friend, Taehyung changed his tactics.
"Why?! Because-... I don't have to explain myself to you. Just answer me and I'll probably won't break your nose" wanting to know what happened to you, the ice hero continued to threaten the troublesome blue haired male while pushing him further against the wall.
"...I'm sorry" confused, Namjoon watched as the younger shrunk in size and nearly disappear into thin air while a nearby flower grew to the size of a large tree.
"Oh my- Dad! Look!"
"Eros has continued to surprise us again"
"Let's go over and get a better look!" People came flooding around Namjoon and the flower, making it difficult for him to get out and find the ex-villain.
As soon as he managed to get out of the ever growing crowd, the Athena hero looked around in dismay before kicking the dirt in anger.
"Damn it!"
-------------------an hour later-------------------
So beautiful.
So cute.
So smart.
So amazing.And it was all right in front of you.
"What? Have I got something on my face?" Jungkook spoke after feeling your strong gaze on him while he looked outside the carriage.
You two were currently riding the ferris wheel while watching the sun set. Well, at least one of you was.
"I just can't believe you're sitting next to me... you're amazing" you explained while taking in more of his features. You didn't notice it before but he had beautiful brown eyes which only made you angry at yourself for not noticing them sooner.
"No, I can't believe you're here with me now. To be honest, I think I'm dreaming right now" smiling widely, you reached over to his cheeks and pinched them slightly, making the other laugh at your at actions.
"Haha, what are you doing?"
"Making sure that you're not dreaming... you should have confessed to me sooner" letting go of his face, you returned to linking your arms around his waist while he placed his around your shoulders.
"I should have..." he then remembered about the treasure hunt and how he had technically confessed to you there but it didn't end the way that he wanted it to.
"At least we're together now" hugging him tightly, you placed your head on his hard chest while closing your eyes to take in the moment.
Feeling slightly sad that the real you didn't respond like how you did now, the brunette could only hug you back as he wanted to believe that you truly did like him. It was unfair for you, sure. But he had wanted to see what it felt like, even just for awhile.
"Remember when I said if you were ready to save yourself back at Zeus? After you made a scene in the lunch hall?" The memory was still clear in his mind as it was what you said that made him go back to his home town to see his father once more.
"...yes, I do"
"I want to change what I said... you don't need to save yourself on your own because I'll be here with you. Not only me but your Dad in heaven will also be with you every step of the way" suddenly, you felt something warm land on your face, making you look up to see tears flowing down Jungkook's cheeks. Worried, you sat up and began to wipe his tears away with your thumbs.
"Jungkook?! What's wrong?! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" before you could finish apologising, the other had enveloped you in to a hug, his head resting on your shoulder as he did so.
"...Thank you... I really... needed to hear that" after hearing that from him, you smiled while circling your arms around him and rubbed his back soothingly.
"I can say it as many times as you like, whenever you like"

Who We Are BOOK 1 ✔
Fanfiction•|BTS × Reader|• [COMPLETED] [Trailer in the introduction~] [GOING THROUGH EDITING] Heroes put others before themselves. Heroes make others feel safe just with their smiles. Heroes face danger at any given moment. Heroes save lives. But who will sav...