I think I

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"Let's give this moment over to the music"

- Super Junior


It had now been about 4 hours of the heroes learning from their mentors, being involved to gain experience and to learn how to handle villains more efficiently.

As the day went by, the weather worsened with strong cold winds, making it difficult to fight and work in these conditions.

"We're going to have to call it a day. Round everyone up" Jaeho ordered to the other trainers through the walkie talkie.

"Will do" the sound of Myunghee's voice had come through and agreed with the Athena trainer.

"Yeah, the weather is getting out of hand" you commented while trying to pull your coat closer to your body.

"Namjoon! We're stopping now!" The ice user turned mid lecture and showed a thumbs up before returning to face his groups.

"That's all for today, make sure to not forget any helpful information I gave and to also practice it later" everyone yelled 'yes' in response to their mentor before disbanding and heading back to the coaches.

"How many people did we get?" You asked, referring to the villains caught.

"I'd say around 20? I mean, this area is full of them so I'm not surprised if we had more" Jaeho analysed while gesturing around the both of you.

"Why is this place so run down?" You had only seen three open shops in the whole of today which was strange since it was a weekday and still day time.

"Loads of people decided to move out of the area because of how poor the conditions are and because of that, villains find it easier to come here because the government doesn't care that much if they damage this place more" you nodded briefly, understanding now why the place was full of evil activity.

"Why did you not let me do anything today?" Jungkook asked the older.

"Because, I decided you were not ready to help defeat these villains and also this is further punishment for the other day" Namjoon explained, referring to the night everyone came to boot camp.

"Further punishment? I already apologised and I also have to go to those training sessions with that!" The brunette gestured to Seonghwa who was walking and had clearly listened to the insult before walking off, solemnly.

Their relationship, by the looks of it, did not improve at all - even with the private help sessions. It looked to you that the hatred was one sided and that Seonghwa was actually trying to get on his step brother's good side.

"You apologising shouldn't have to be a punishment and those training sessions are for the both of you to settle your differences and grow up" and without letting the younger retaliate, the blonde hero walked past Jungkook and towards the coach. You watched as Jungkook looked infuriated, clenching his jaw and fists in order to contain his anger.

"Hey! Wasn't today great?" Jimin had now jogged up to the angered Zeus hero, unbeknownst of the brunette's emotional state.

"Jungkook? Is everything alr-" the pink haired hero tried to place his hand on the other's shoulder before it immediately got smacked off.

"Don't touch me, you wannabe hero" Jimin watched as he walked away from him and towards the coaches, confused as to what he had done to cause him to act like that. Disappointed in Jungkook's behaviour, you walked over to the Eros hero and tried to comfort him.

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