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"Everything is everything, when everything is money"

- Mia Vaile


The sound of the heart monitor beeping every now and then was all you could hear as you watched Jungkook's sleeping face.

You, the doctors and everyone else who had been badly injured were currently in the health unit where they where taken to shortly after the game.

A doctor entered through the curtains and went straight to check the monitor.

"Are you sure he doesn't need any more healing?" You asked, trying to help in anyway possible.

"I'm sure, he's just resting and regaining energy to wake up. We've sorted him out so there's no need to worry" she responded while taking down notes on her smart tablet.

"What about the others? Do they need healing?"

"They're all fine, we've seen way worse injuries than the ones from today. Thanks for offering though, Y/N" the blonde doctor reassured you before going on to the next patient.

You returned to look at the sleeping boy from the chair that was provided to you by the bed.

Suddenly, his brows twitched as well as his mouth. Your eyes were now attentive to his next move as you move closer to his side.

"Ugh... did I win?" This made you chuckle, knowing that he was just fine.

"Sort of, it was a draw between Seongjae and you."


"...taser boy" rolling your eyes at the younger, you hoped he would finally learn the names of his co-workers.

"Oh... he was lucky then" he said while trying to sit up with his arms.

"Lucky him? Lucky you that they haven't kicked you out of Zeus already- I mean, you smashed one of their stadium screens!" You pointed out, making sure that your annoyance came through in your voice.

"Their fault for not clarifying that I couldn't use the screens"

"They shouldn't have the need to"

"It's not like they can't pay for it, we're the number one hero company in the country." deciding to give up on trying to make him realise that what he had done was wrong, you stood up while grabbing your stuff. Before you could take a step, you felt a hand grab your wrist and stopped you from going.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked with lost puppy dog eyes, making you mentally aw at his cuteness.

"I'm going to see Mr. Bang. He wanted to talk to me after today's game" seeing that he had no choice but to let you go, he released his hold and returned back to lying down.

"Okay... be back quickly though" you nodded shortly after, hesitant whether to leave him alone or not knowing that he didn't have friends to talk to. Waving goodbye, you made your way out of the health unit and up to Mr. Bang's office. You walked over to the office door after getting off the elevator and knocked to let him know that you were there.

"Come in" hearing his familiar voice, you made your way inside after closing the door behind you.

"You... requested to see me, Mr. Bang?" You were unsure on the reason why he had called you, but the memory of Jungkook breaking the large TV screen kept popping up in your mind.

"I need to talk to you about Sehun" Sehun? Not Jungkook?, you thought.

"The Protector?"

"Yes. He was also your classmate back in the academy, correct?" He questioned while crossing his arms and leaning back on his office chair.

"Yes he was..." you didn't know where this conversation was going and you were slightly anxious that you were in trouble in some way.

"You don't need to be nervous, Y/N. You're not in trouble" this made you sigh in relief, finally being able to relax more around the CEO.

"But I'm worried about your well being" confused, you tried to think of what he could mean by that.

"My well being? I'm perfectly healthy, I did my health examination not too long ago-"

"I know you're healthy. I mean, you're in danger" you were shocked at the statement made.

"Danger? How?"

"When the Protectors came, Sehun came to see me along with the villain and Jungkook. He had told me what happened and explained how Jungkook handled the situation.

However, he wanted to take the villain with him and not leave him here where the hero council was supposed to deal with the masked man. He explained that the man was involved with something bigger and needed to be further questioned with his group. I let him handle it since he was the leader of the Protectors but his mind was saying otherwise. He kept repeating that he needed to talk to you and to convince you to go with him"

"Go with him? Where?"

"He only thought that. I would have ignored it if it didn't look anxious. You see, I read people's mind like a text book that appears in their heads.

However, his mind kept glitching and looked as if he was thinking one thing but another thought was overlapping it" you tried to analyse the new information given to you.

"So what are you trying to say?"

"All I'm saying is to be careful. Something might be affecting Sehun badly which may also affect you too" too many thoughts were filling your head; where does Sehun want me to go? Why is his thoughts different from others? Is it bad?

"I'm not asking you to stress yourself out, I'm asking you to be careful is all. You can return back to what you were doing and send Jungkook my regards" still in a daze, you nodded briefly before leaving his office and headed back to where Jungkook was.

"... I need to see Sehun"


A/N: Hey guys! I'm introducing 'Who We Are's official editor! Round of applause for Annie13062013


E/N: Hi there Fam!! 

It's your editor, Anna, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

Have a good day ♡♡

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