Heartbroken (F)

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Keith ran to his room. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.


(Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are playing truth or dare in the common room and Keith is listening on the other side of the door.)

"Lance, truth, or dare?" Hunk asked Lance.

"Truth" Lance responded.

"Would you ever date Keith?" Hunk asked. Hunk knew that Keith liked Lance. Not as a friend, not as a teammate, but as a significant other. He was all Keith could think about, and Hunk knew that.

"What? No. If I was going to date anyone it wouldn't be Keith. He is so moody, I don't think I could deal with him and his attitude." A little chuckle escaped Lance's lips, but Keith had heard everything. Lance didn't really see him as moody, did he?

(End of flashback)

All Keith could do was cry as he ran back to his room. Once he got there, he crawled into a ball and cried. He couldn't believe Lance thought of him like that. The one person he loved, hated him. Keith jumped when he heard a knock on the door.

"Keith, a buddy, are you okay in there?" the voice sounded familiar. It made Keith's heart flutter. It made Keith feel like he was worth something. It was Lance's voice.

"G-Go away!" Keith wiped his tears, trying to stop crying but he couldn't, it hurt too much.

"Keith, you sound upset, are you sure? Can I come in?" Lance asked. He sounded worried but Keith didn't want Lance to see him like this.

"N-No don't come in. I'm f-fine" He was still wiping his tears when the door opened and Lance stood there looking down at him.

"Keith! Why are you crying?" Lance knelt down next to Keith and hugged him. Keith hugged him back and continued crying.

"D-Do you really hate me?"


"What? No. If I was going to date anyone it wouldn't be Keith. He is so moody, I don't think I could deal with him." Lance lied. He made himself chuckle a bit to make it seem like he was telling the truth. The truth was, Lance loved Keith. He loved Keith with all his heart. All he wanted was to be with Keith. Just then, he heard a faint whimper from outside the room.

"One sec guys." Lance excused himself from the group and opened the door a bit. He opened it just enough to see Keith running towards his room.

(End of flashback - Lance's POV)

I saw Keith running towards his room. It took me a tick to realize why he was running. I heard faint sobbing coming from his direction.

"Oh shit, what did I just do?" I thought to myself as I started to run after Keith.

"He heard me. He thinks I don't like him." Hunk had told me that Keith liked me. I was excited because I like Keith too and I couldn't wait to tell him, but if he thought I didn't like him my life was over. Keith is my everything and I didn't want to lose him.

I arrived outside of Keith's room. I knocked on his door. When I did, his sobs stopped for a tick.

"Keith, buddy, are you okay in there?" I asked through the door. I knew he had locked his door. I wanted to rush in there and tell him it was all going to be ok.

"G-Go away!" Keith answered from behind the door.

"Keith you sound upset, are you sure? Can I come in?" I was worried about Keith. I wanted to see him, hug him, kiss him... if he'd let me.

"N-No don't come in. I'm f-fine" I opened the door to see him crying on the floor. All I could do was stand there, looking down at him.

"Keith! Why are you crying?" I knelt down next to Keith and hugged him. Keith hugged me back but continued crying.

"D-Do you really hate me?" Keith asked me. I was shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth. He meant the world to me.

"What? No, I could never hate you." I hugged Keith tighter, trying to reassure him I wasn't lying.

"B-But you said that you c-can't d-d-deal with my m-moody behavior. Why d-did you follow m-me?" His face was stained with tears. More kept coming. I hated seeing him like this.

"I didn't mean that Keith. I don't think you're moody, I think you're perfect." I told him. It killed me to see him like this.

"B-but you said th..." he trailed off, "L-Lance? What are you doing?" he said as I leaned in closer to his face. I looked from his beautiful, purple-grey eyes to his perfect lips then back to his eyes.

"Keith... Can I try something?" I asked. It was like I was being pulled to him. I could see it in his face that he knew what was going to happen.

"Y-Yes," he said as he looked deep into my eyes. I didn't need to be told twice. As soon as he accepted, I leaned closer to him and closed the distance between us. He immediately kissed back.

I slid my tongue across his lower lip, asking for entrance. He accepted. I slid my tongue into his mouth. We shared a warm, passionate, loving kiss for what felt like hours.

Keith pulled away for air but it wasn't long before we were kissing again. Our lips moved perfectly together. His tears ceased. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. I broke the kiss, needing air, and pulled away from him. Without his warmth, the room felt cold.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him, pressing my forehead against his.

"Of course." He said practically jumping into my arms. We kissed again but this time it was quicker, only lasting a few ticks.

"I love you Keith," I said after we broke the kiss. I looked deep into his eyes, he had his spark back, the spark that I loved so much.

"I love you too Lance" he hugged me tightly. I didn't want to let go.


Well? How was that for my first fluff one-shot. I know, it's cringy. For those who like smutty stuff, I promise it's coming. I will try to post updates as often as I can. Goodbye, my loves!


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